My aim in this experiment was to discover which of the Bunsen burner flames were the hottest, the yellow safe flame or the blue flame.

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Kristy Kish

Bunsen Burner Experiment


My aim in this experiment was to discover which of the Bunsen burner flames were the hottest, the yellow safe flame or the blue flame.


I predicted that the blue flame was hotter than the yellow flame because the blue flame, which changes from yellow when the air hole is open, has more oxygen.


The apparatus was set up as shown.

To make sure the experiment was a fair test certain conditions during the test remained the same.  The same volume of water was used in every test this was 200ml.  The same size beaker was used for every test this has a maximum volume of 600ml.  The starting temperature was the same and the temperature that the water was boiled to was the same in every test.  The reason I heated the water to a starting temperature instead of just starting the test at room temperature was that room temperature may vary and that would have made the experiment an unfair test.

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Normal laboratory safety conditions applied.

During this experiment other safety precautions were adhered to.  Goggles were worn at all times and hair was tied back.  There was no sitting during this experiment.  All hot items were handled with care and caution.  



We used the Bunsen burner first with a yellow flame and then with a blue flame to heat 200ml of water in a 600ml capacity beaker from a start temperature of 30°C to an end temperature ...

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