My aim is to find out how increasing the temperature of water effects its rate of reaction with alka seltzer. Alka Seltzer contains sodium bicarbonate, which reacts with waterproducing Carbon Dioxide. So we are really testing how the temperature...

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The effect of increasing temperature on the rate of reaction between alka seltzer and water.

Aim: My aim is to find out how increasing the temperature of water effects its rate of reaction with alka seltzer. Alka Seltzer contains sodium bicarbonate, which reacts with water producing Carbon Dioxide. So we are really testing how the temperature affects the rate that the water and Sodium Bicarbonate produce Carbon Dioxide.

Prediction: I predict that the hotter the temperature of the water the faster the reaction will happen. I think this because if the water is hotter then the particles move around more quickly and they will collide with each other more often with more energy. Therefore more reactions are successful and the reaction takes place quicker. If the water is colder then the particles are moving slower and less collisions happen so the reaction takes longer.

Equipment: I did a trial experiment beforehand and discovered that it is best to use 10ml of water and ½ an Alka Seltzer tablet. We are going to test the reaction time by putting the alka seltzer and water in a film container and putting the lid on and timing how long it takes for the lid to pop off. We are going to do the test as a class so we can get more results done and have a better average. I am going to measure the time it takes for the lid to pop off using a Stop Watch. I am going to use a film container because the seal is airtight so no gas can escape and the lid will pop off with pressure.

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Stop Watch- time experiment accurately

Alka Seltzer tablet


Kettle- to increase the temperature of the water

Ice- to lower the temperature of the water

Measuring cylinder- measure out 10ml of water

Thermometer- temperature of water

Beaker- to keep water in

I decided to test my experiment using the following temperatures of water: 5,10,20,30,40,50 and 60˚c. I am going to choose this range because it includes hot and cold temperatures and they have a steady increase. I will only change the temperature of the water and not change the amount of Alka Seltzer. If I get an ...

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