"My aim is to find out how much energy is released when burning different types of crisps and to find which one releases the most energy."

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My Aim

“My aim is to find out how much energy is released when burning different types of crisps and to find which one releases the most energy.”

The Preliminary Experiment

The preliminary experiment we had to record the amount of energy released.

I had to burn two different types of pasta and then put it under a test tube of 25cm of water. I did this experiment for practice before I did the crisp experiment. We also collected variables, fair testing points, and risk assessment from this experiment.

The variables that will affect the way the experiment works are:

  • Amount of water -
  • Amount of food – The more food the more energy will be released.
  • Glass thickness – Effects how much heat gets to the water.
  • Size of food – Size of food affects how much energy in crisp so need to be weighed each time.
  • Distance from food and test tube – Distance of food from test tube effects amount of energy lost.
  • Types of crisp- Different crisps have different amounts of fat content which effects energy released.
  • Crisp breaking off – Waste of fat content.
  • How much food is burnt before putting it under test tube – heat loss.
  • How much food is burnt.
  • How long it takes to set alight (energy lost)

The variables I will keep the same to make it a fair test will be the amount of water, which will be 20cm. The glass thickness, how much food is burnt before putting it under test tube- to make this fair we will move the crisp as soon as its alight.

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I set up the apparatus like the diagram beneath.

We got 3 samples of 1 type of crisp to start with and recorded the weight of the first crisp, then put 20cm of water in the test tube and recorded the temperature. We held the first crisp in the flame and as soon as it’s alight we held it directly under the test tube with tweezers. We then stirred the water and recorded the temperature again after the ...

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