My aim is to find the change in resistance as a current is passed through different lengths of wire as measured by ohms law (R=V/I). I kept all the other variables constant, E.g. Diameter of wire and Voltage remained constant.

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My aim is to find the change in resistance as a current is passed through different lengths of wire as measured by ohms law (R=V/I). I kept all the other variables constant, E.g. Diameter of wire and Voltage remained constant.


  • Temperature – an increase in temperature results in greater movement of electrons through the wire.  
  • Length of wire – the longer the wire the greater distance the electrons have to travel.
  • Type of wire – some wires have more impurities that increase the resistance of current through them.
  • Diameter of wire – a thicker wire provides a greater area for electrons to pass through.
  • Number of strands in wire – more strands will increase the electron flow.
  • Density of material – higher density means more resistance because there is less space between atoms for electrons to flow.
  • Voltage & Current – an increase in voltage and current increases the movement of electrons through the wire.


I predict that as the length of the wire increases, the resistance will increase as measured by the current and voltage (Ohms law). As the wire increases in length the electricity has to travel a greater distance to exit the wire. This means that the time it takes to travel through the wire is greater. I think that if I had chosen a wire that was shorter and greater in diameter than the one I used, the resistance would be lower because there would be more space and a shorter passage to pass through, E.g. Suppose Wembley Stadium was full and people are trying to leave, if the tunnels were long and thin then it would take a longer time for all to exit, whereas a shorter tunnel with a wider space would allow quicker and easier movement through the passage, i.e. less resistance.    

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In order to carry out this experiment I needed the following:

  • Power Pack ~ to measure voltage
  • Connecting wire ~ allowing electricity to pass through up to the testing wire and back to the power pack  
  • 10 pieces of wire of different lengths and equal diameter ~ this is where I will measure the resistance in ohms
  • Ammeter ~ to measure the current
  • Meter Rule ~ to measure lengths of wire
  • Crocodile clips ~ to hold the different lengths of wire



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