My aim is to investigate how the temperature has an effect on the height of the bounce of a squash ball.

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Heat on ball Investigation

Introduction Originally Gravitational potential energy (mph) is stored in a ball before its released. as  the ball falls and the speed increases The potential energy of the moving ball is changed to kinetic energy (1/2mv2) then it looses all the potential energy as soon as is touches the floor. If there is no energy loss the energy (I.e. P.E and K.E) remains the same

The ball deforms and slows down as it touches the ground. Here the balls kinetic energy is causing the ball to deform. When the ball is deformed some of the energy is stored as potential energy and another name for this energy is elastic potential energy and this in some cases this energy is changed into heat and sound and some is converted to heat and sound.

As soon as the ball losses all its speed and reaches its highest deformation only then it looses its kinetic energy and it stops moving. And when some of its energy Is changed to heat and sound its kinetic energy decreases than its original gravitational potential energy. Here all the energy (elastic PE + heat + sound) remains the same.

And then when the ball turns back into its original shape the elastic potential energy is then changed to kinetic energy.

As soon as the ball leaves the ground it will begin to slow down as it rises and its kinetic energy is changed back to gravitational potential energy. Since some of its original energy has been changed to heat and sound it will finish up with less gravitational energy than it began with i.e. the rebound height is less than the starting height.

Additional Information

A solid expands when it’s heated. Inside, the molecules energize and bounce around the solid with enough energy have more energy and bounce around the solid. The hotter the solid becomes, the more they vibrate. This causes the solid to expand slightly when heated. Solids cannot be compressed because the molecules are already packed very close together. When the solid hits the ground the atoms push each other away forcing the ball to bounce higher. So this is another factor in consideration.


My aim is to investigate how the temperature has an effect on the height of the bounce of a squash ball.


·        Meter rule - to make sure the drop height is 1m and to measure the bounce height

·        Squash ball – to be able to conduct the experiment

·        Beaker – to create the water bath

·        Water – to create the water bath

·        Tongs – to keep the ball below the water bath surface

·        Thermometer – to ensure the water is at the right temperature

·        Timer – to ensure the ball stays in the water bath for the right amount of time

·        Kettle – to get the water bath to the higher temperatures

·        Ice – to get the water bath to the lower temperatures

This is a basic diagram showing all the equipment and how it should be placed .

Method I will be using the temperature choice of 0°C to 70°C and I will be going up in 10°C. I will only be going up to 70°C because I know that after that temperature the rubber of the squash ball will become damaged. I went down to 0°C as it is the lowest temperature because after that point the water will reach freezing point. This temperature also shows a low bounce height and if the temperature goes any lower it would be very difficult to read the bounce height. I will be repeating each temperature 5 times to make sure correct results and to be able to get a fair average. Also I will be able to see any anomalies and not take them into account for my average. I will use a water bath in which I will put the squash ball. I will let the squash ball remain in the water bath for 3 minutes as I know from my initial work that it takes 3 minutes for the squash ball to reach thermal equilibrium. I will let go of the ball from a height of one meter as I have found from my initial work that this is a good height to provide me good results that gives a good variety of results and is suitable for all the other temperature’s bounce heights. Also, I will be taking the bounce height measurements from the bottom of the ball each time. I will record all the results in a table with an average column so that my results can be compared. Next I will put the results onto a graph to see if there are any patterns and how the results relate to the line of best fit.

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To ensure the test is fair For each beaker I will be using the same amount of water to make the test fair, and I will make sure that the water in the water bath remains at the right temperature when the squash ball is in it to make sure that the squash ball will reach thermal equilibrium. I will also be making sure that the squash ball is left in the water bath for 3 minutes to make sure that the ball reaches thermal equilibrium. I will be using the same squash ball during the experiment so that ...

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