My aim is to investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.

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Chemistry coursework



My aim is to investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.


To investigate how concentration affects the rate of reaction we will be reacting calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid.  The products of the reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid are calcium chloride and carbon dioxide.  To measure the rate of reaction we will be measuring the volume of carbon dioxide produced.  The size of the marble chips available will be small, large, and medium.  The highest concentration available in the experiment is two molars.

The equation for rate of reaction is:

Calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid  calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide

CaCO3 (s)              + 2hCL                     CaCL2               + H2O (l)  + CO2

The collision theory explains why certain factors affect the speed of the reaction.  Particles often collide more often in a certain time, so reactions speed up.  The collisions are harder with higher temperatures, concentration, and larger surface areas.

There are a few general factors, which affect the rate of any reaction:

1) Concentration:

The collision theory states that before we can get a chemical reaction, particles must crash together.  As you increase the concentration of the acid, there is a greater chance of acid particles colliding and reacting with the surface area of the marble chips.

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2) Pressure of gases:

There are more collisions in a given time when you increase the pressure of a gas.  In reactions between gases, increasing the pressure will increase the rate of reaction.

3) Temperature of the solution:

Reactions get faster as we raise the temperatures, as there are more cautions in a certain time, because the particles are moving faster and are crashing together harder; so more collisions produce a reaction.


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