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Plan – Is Nuclear Power the Answer for the Future


  1. write out question and explain what is meant by it - √
  2. explain a bit of the history of when the idea of using nuclear power started and was developed (explain what is meant by the term ‘sustainable’) -

Main Core

  1. write out current ‘pros and cons’ of nuclear power. - √
  2. explain in detail each positive point -
  3. explain in detail every negative point -
  4. suggest alternatives and why they would/wouldn’t be a good solution - √


  1. write out what some people think and why -
  2. give opposing views -
  3. write out my view -
  4. explain the reasoning behind my view -
  5. give overall statement after finishing the case study and answer the question fully -


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Is Nuclear Power The Answer For The Future?

In recent years, the Earth has seen changes in its climate.  The causes for this have been blamed on human behaviour as opposed to changes that have occurred naturally ().  So the question ‘Is Nuclear Power the Answer for the Future?’ refers to the problem of climate change, and suggests that Nuclear Power could be the answer to this problem.  This is because scientists claim the emission of greenhouse gases, of which CO2 is the principal constituent, are the cause of climate change.  Nowadays, our main source of energy comes from burning fossil fuels, which generate vast amounts of CO2.  Should we decide that Nuclear Power would be a sustainable source of power, we might be able to slow down or possibly even stop climate change, because Nuclear Power does not generate any appreciable CO2.

Nuclear Power isn’t a brand new idea for fuelling the majority of the country.  Half a century ago it was thought it would offer the solution to all our power needs, but later, once put into commission, shortcomings came to light.  Eventually these drawbacks were considered so detrimental that the project was wound down.   So, if it wasn’t successful back then, why should it be now?   And why wasn’t it successful back then?

Why hasn’t Nuclear Power been a hit in the past?

In the late 1950s, the idea of nuclear power became a popular one as many saw it as an easy way of producing masses of energy for the country at comparatively little expense.  Nuclear fission required very little ‘fuel’, that is only a small amount of uranium oxide was required to release a vast amount of energy through the process of controlled atom splitting in nuclear reactors.

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         Nuclear power has been the most controversial of all energy sources. Public concerns about reactor safety and environmental issues were especially heightened by the 1979 accident at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania and the much more serious accident in 1986 at Chernobyl in Ukraine ().

  These two incidents played a major part in the shut down of many plants in Britain as the power was deemed unsafe.  But now we have diagnosed a major climatic, non-nuclear problem on Earth, and have more advanced technology to make our reactor plants safer, more and more scientists are thinking we should go ...

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