osmosis. In This experiment I aim to find out how osmosis is affected in Potatoes. I will find how the weight is changed when using different concentrations of salt solutions

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Osmosis- Plan

In This experiment I aim to find out how osmosis is affected in Potatoes. I will find how the weight is changed when using different concentrations of salt solutions. I will be repeating the test twice to make sure I get an accurate display of results.

        To begin with in this experiment I will cut several pieces of potato into equal measurements. They will all have a slightly different mass so I will have to weigh them all before hand. I will then make different concentrations of a salt solution. I will do this by putting some water in a test tube and adding salt to different ratios depending on the concentration I want. I will be using the concentrations:








This will give me broad range so I have a wide set of results. After setting all of the equipment up I will add 2 potatoes to each of the solutions and starting timing them. After ten minutes I will remove the potatoes to give me their weight afterwards. Their weight should have changed, depending on the concentration of the solution.


Potatoes- Used for test

Water- to be mixed to make salt solution

Cutting tile- to cut potatoes

Stop Watch- to time experiment

Salt- to be mixed to make salt solution

Balance- to weigh potatoes before and after the experiment

Knife- to cut potatoes

Test Tubes & Rack- to put solution and potato cylinders in

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Osmosis- Plan Cont

Making the test fair will be very important in this experiment. If the results are not accurate we could be lead to the wrong conclusions. We will be trying to make the solutions as accurate as possible by measuring the ratios properly. Also to make the test fair we will be using a sensitive balance before and after the experiment so that we have to measurement to the nearest hundredth of a gram. Also, one of the most important things to think about when doing this experiment is making sure the potatoes are completely ...

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