Osmosis Investigation

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Definition of Osmosis:  Osmosis is the transfer of water from a high water concentration to a low water concentration through a partially permeable membrane.

Aim:  The purpose of this experiment is to find out the effect of Osmosis with sucrose solution on a potato, we intend to discover if sucrose concentration is an important variable in the rate of Osmosis

Method:  We took a potato and cut out 12 pieces of roughly equal size with approximately the same surface area, we used a scalpel to do this. We then blotted the pieces of potato on kitchen roll to remove excess water; after we had done this we weighed each piece using an electronic scales and recorded their masses in the ‘mass before’ column on our results table. We had 2 pieces of potato each in six different levels of sucrose concentration. Our control was normal distilled water (H2O) with nothing added; we had two test tubes of this and two test tubes of each of the following sucrose concentrations: 0.2 Molers (M), 0.4M, 0.6M, 0.8M, 1.0M. We had to fill the test tubes enough to cover the potato completely but no more. We then placed a piece of potato in each labelled test tube and left them for 24 hours. After this we removed them from the tubes, blotted them and weighed them. We marked the new mass in the ‘mass after’ column on the results table. By this time we had finished the experiment and we had all of the results we needed to analyse. We made it fair and accurate by weighing each piece of potato to the nearest 0.01g, we used the electronic scales for extra precision. We took care to measure each piece of potato accurately and blot it always before weighing. We had the same amount of liquid in each test tube, just enough to cover the piece of potato. We left all the pieces of potato for  exactly the same amount of time by putting them in after the first weighing at exactly the same time and taking them out before the second weighing at exactly the same time.

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Prediction: I predict that the process will reach an Isotonic point where the sugar concentration will be the same in the potato as in the sucrose solution. However I do not know what this point is.


Analysis:  We found from our results table and our graph that water is indeed transferred by osmosis in potatoes. I was correct in predicting that an isotonic point would be reached, we calculated that this point is at approximately 0.37M of sucrose solution. We discovered this by drawing a graph ...

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