Osmosis Investigation.

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Osmosis Investigation

Skill area P: Planning

Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration through a partially permeable membrane. In this investigation I aim to find out how the amount of osmosis differs in potato chips in water and sucrose solutions of differing strength.

Fair Test

The strength of the solution will affect how much osmosis occurs because with a weaker sucrose solution there will be a higher concentration of water. Therefore, by osmosis water molecules will pass through the minuscule holes in the membrane of the potato, which has a lower concentration of water, and cause it to gain weight and size. I will keep the other variables (listed below) constant so that it is a fair test and I am only changing the strength of the concentration. This way I will only be measuring how osmosis differs in solutions of varying sucrose concentrations.

The size of potato chip is important because if one strip is longer than another the amount it has enlarged compared to the other will be inaccurate.

The temperature must be kept constant because at a higher temperature more of the molecules will be evaporated than at a lower temperature.

The quantity of solution will affect the amount of osmosis occurring because in an experiment with more solution than another of the same strength solution there will be more water molecules, which will pass into the potato. This will make the results inaccurate and it will not be possible to fairly compare the results with that of another strength.

To keep the skin and outer texture of the potato consistent throughout, each potato initially will be kept the same by using the same type of potato, which have been treated in the same way, e.g. have all been cut without being peeled and washed. If this is not done one may have a thicker wall and it will be harder for water molecules to pass through than another.


I predict that with a lower concentration solution more osmosis will occur and the strip will get bigger. This is because the concentration of water will be higher outside the potato so more water molecules will pass into the tissue of the potato through its membrane by osmosis. The sucrose molecules cannot because they are too large to pass through a partially permeable membrane such as that of the cell wall of the potato. When there is not much difference in the concentration of water in the sucrose solution and water in the potato’s tissue the water molecules should not move as much and, therefore, the strip should not have a significant change in length.

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I also predict that with a lower concentration the potato will become turgid. Turgid is the term referring to a plant cell once it has taken in water by osmosis but the thick cell wall will not allow it to burst so it becomes hard and firm.

Preliminary Investigation

Prior to the investigation I did preliminary work which I used to find out what would be a good range of variables to use to get results which would show that osmosis happens more in a lower concentration than a higher concentration. I set up 3 test tubes ...

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