Osmosis Practical

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Osmosis Practical

        This practical is designed to investigate how osmotic activity is related to the surface area to volume ratio of a potato. The surface area to volume ratio is very important in living organisms. For example, Amoebas are uni-cellular organisms with a very large surface area to volume ratio. This is crucial for them, as they absorb all of their oxygen through their membrane. If they were any bigger the cells in the middle would die because the diffusion distance would be too big. They would then need lungs, like mammals have. These have a large surface area to volume ratio so that the oxygen can diffuse into their blood stream and be transported around the organism.

        Apart from the diffusion of substances, surface area to volume ratio is also important in heat loss. A small mammal like a mouse has a large surface area to volume ratio, so it will loose a lot of heat through its skin. This is why they have fur coats, to keep the heat from escaping. But a large mammal like an elephant needs a larger surface area to volume ratio to disperse of its body heat, so it has large ears with a huge surface area to volume ratio.


        Osmosis is the movement of water across a semi-permiable membrane from a high concentration of water to a low concentration of water; in cells water would diffuse from a dilute cell solution to a higher concentrated medium. This is particularly important in animal cells, because if an animal cell is placed in a high concentration of water, it will absorb the water until it bursts. But plant cells have a cell wall, which prevents them from bursting. When a plant cell is placed in water, the water will move into the cell by osmosis, the cytoplasm swells and presses against the cell wall. The cell wall resists any further intake of water. When this happens the cell is fully 'turgid'. If the cell is placed in sucrose, the water travels down the osmotic gradient out of the cell. The cell would then shrink, and if this continues the cell membrane will be pulled away from the cell wall, making the cell 'flaccid'.

        If a cell is placed in pure water, the water will travel down the osmotic gradient into the cell. Increasing the cell size. But if the incubation medium is more concentrated, for example sucrose solution, the water will travel from inside the cell down the osmotic gradient into the solution, making the cell smaller.


        Osmosis works more efficiently through a large surface area to volume ratio. This is because there is a larger surface area for the water to diffuse through. Therefore, from my experiments I would expect to find that the larger the surface area to volume ratio, the greater the difference in size of the potatoes.


        The preliminary experiment that I carried out involved cutting potatoes into cylinders then dividing each cylinder into 3 parts. One 3cm, one 2cm and one 1cm segments. I pre-soaked the potato in water to make it fully turgid, and then weighed each segment and found its surface area to volume ratio. I then incubated them in a 1moler solution of sucrose for 20 minutes. And then measured the amount of water loss by weighing them again after the 20 minutes.

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         These are the results I gained from this experiment:



        Now I will write a table of percentage decrease in mass for each sample this is the best way to process results because they are all proportional to each other so it is easier to see which sample decreased the most.

Percentage change:

3cm SA: Vol= 1: 0.52cm2

2cm SA: Vol= 1: 0.56cm2

1cm SA: Vol= 1: 2.27cm2


From these results I can see that as the surface area of the chip increased, the percentage change increased as well. This means that ...

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