Personal Exercise Programme



  • To Improve Muscular Strength so that I can challenge for the ball and have a stronger force coming from me so that I am more likely to come out with the ball in a 50/50 situation.
  • To Improve my cardiovascular endurance to ensure that I can last the whole of the game without getting tired
  • To improve my shooting in football so that if I have the chance to score for my team I will have the confidence and ability to make the most of the chance


The sport I am training for is football. I am currently playing for a team outside of school but I also am a part of the school football team. I think my aims will help me improve in football because everyone is linked to football and at the moment they are the things that I need to improve on most. Footballers need good muscular strength so that they can challenge for the ball and also hold people off while in possession of the ball. Footballers also need good cardiovascular endurance so that they can last the whole game without tiring. Footballers also need to be good at shooting so that they make the most of the chances that they are presented with.

Fitness Tests

Fitness levels can be tested by different methods I have chosen two specific ones that will relate to my aims.

Cooper Run

Tests: Cardiovascular Endurance

Equipment: An athletics track, a stopwatch

This is a test where you have 12 minutes to run round the athletics track as many times as you can.

Chin Ups

Tests: Muscular Strength

Equipment: A bar that can take your weight and is at a certain height that when you hang off it your feet do not reach the ground.

Count how many times you can pull your chin over the bar until you give up.

I will do both of these fitness test 3 times over the course of my PEP to see the effect the PEP is having on my Cardiovascular Endurance and my Muscular Strength. I will do them before I start my PEP, 3 weeks into it and once I have finished my 6 week PEP.

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Training Types

Fartlek Training

Brief Description:

A training method that is continuous but with changes of speed, gradient and surface

An example is:         Jog up hill for 300m on concrete

                                Sprint downhill for 50m on grass

                                    Fast walk on neutral gradient on mud

Energy systems that are used are:  Aerobic and Anaerobic


It is good for game play because you are constantly running at ...

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