phisical prep 1

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Kimberley Mortimer

For this assignment I had to demonstrate my knowledge of how the body system works and how the body system can become more effective with training, as well as the effects exercise has upon the body.  I did this by describe the muscular, skeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory system. I detailed both structure and function of systems and used diagrams to assist the description. Also I listed the short and long term benefits of exercise on the body, finally I explained the principles of training and give examples of each principal.


The Muscular system

The Muscular system is made up of hundreds of individual muscles attached to the skeleton. The strongest muscle is the Gluteus Maximus, the longest muscle is the Sartorius which runs from the hip to the knee.

Muscles are attached to your bones by tendons. The muscles don't work alone they work in groups, you have muscles that extend and muscles that flex. An extensor is a muscle that's allows a joint to straighten and a flexor is a muscle that causes a joint to bend.

You have two types of muscles, voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary muscles work only when you want them to work, Like your arms, you move them using your brain. Involuntary muscles work all by their self, like the heart.

Muscle exerts force by converting energy into tension and contraction. Muscles move and make us capable of a variety of actions by simply contracting and becoming shorter. Muscles pull but they cannot push. Muscles are made up of millions of filaments, which work together to produce motion in the body. All the muscles in the body are served by nerves, which link the muscle to the brain and spinal cord.

Our muscular system is made up with three types of muscles. Cardiac muscles, found only in the heart, power the action that pumps blood throughout the body. "Smooth" muscles which surround or are part of the internal organs. Both cardiac and smooth muscles are c involuntary muscles, because they cannot be consciously controlled. The third types of muscles are called "skeletal" muscles. These carry out voluntary movements and are what ache after exercise.


Muscular Diagrams

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The cardiovascular system

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The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and blood vessels. The heart is a specialized blood vessel that acts as a pump to circulate the blood. Blood circulates through a network of vessels throughout the body to provide individual cells with oxygen and nutrients and helps dispose of  wastes. The heart pumps the blood around the blood vessels.

Functions of blood and circulation:

  • Circulates OXYGEN and removes Carbon Dioxide.
  • Provides cells with NUTRIENTS.
  • Removes the waste products
  • Protects the body against disease and infection.
  • Clotting stops bleeding after injury .
  • Transports HORMONES to target ...

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