Photosynthesis is the fixation of carbon dioxide into organic compounds, by green plants, using solar energy and chlorophyll. The CO2 is reduced using H+ ions from water.

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Photosynthesis is the fixation of carbon dioxide into organic compounds, by green plants, using solar energy and chlorophyll. The CO2 is reduced using H+ ions from water.

  • The chloroplast pigments are located in the lamellae (Thylokoid membranes).

  • These pigments remain embedded in the Thylokoid membrane.

  • Chlorophylls have a polar ‘porphyrin’ head containing a Mg+ ion and a non-polar long hydrocarbon (phytol) tail. The polar head is attached to the proteins of the thylakoid membranes while the non-polar tail extends into the lipid layer of the membrane phospholipid bilayer.

  • Chlorophylls, carotenoids and electron carriers are assembled together in the thylakoids membrane to form Photosystems I and PS II.

There are several forms of chlorophyll, differing slightly in colour, chemical structure and absorption peaks. Carotenoids are hydrocarbons situated close to the chlorophyll.


  • The absorption spectrum is a graph that shows how much light a particular pigment absorbs at each wavelength. It is made by subjecting selections of each pigment to different wavelengths of light and measuring how much light is absorbed.

  • An action spectrum is a graph that shows the rate of photosynthesis at different wavelength of light. It can be obtained by allowing plants, such as Canadian pondweed, to photosynthesis for a stated time at each wavelength in turn and measuring the volume of gas evolved. A graph is then plotted of rate of photosynthesis against wavelength of light.

  • The action spectrum of photosynthesis corresponds closely to the absorption spectrum of chlorophylls and carotenoids.

Photosynthesis takes place in two stages: 1) Light dependent stage

                                                               2) Light independent stage

The Light dependent stage:

This occurs on the thylakoid membranes. Photosensitive pigments are organized into Photosystems on the thylakoid membranes. There are two Photosystems:

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Photosystem I is smaller and is found on the stromal thylakoids ( intergranal thylakoid \ Lamellae )

Photosystem II is larger and associated with granal thylakoids. Both Photosystems are visible as particles on the thylakoid membranes.

Within each Photosystem there are two types of photosynthetic pigments:

  a) Primary pigments         b) Accessory pigments.

Photosystem I

Many molecules of accessory pigments (Chlorophyll b, other forms of chlorophyll a, Carotenoids) are arranged around a chlorophyll a molecule, which has an absorption peak of 700nm.

The chlorophyll-a molecule is referred to as the reaction ...

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