Physics Argument - Is Sunbathing Good For You?

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Is Sunbathing Good for You?

The ultraviolet radiation (UV) in sunlight can cause skin cancer. there are many factors that can effect the risk involved when you sunbathe.

Your skin tone can effect the damage caused by UV radiation because the brown pigment in skin, menalin, provides some protection. The darker your skin the more protected you are from the damaging effects of sunlight. If you have particularly fair skin, you should take extra care when sunbathing; use a suncream with a high SPF and don't stay out in the sun for prolonged lenghts of time. The amount of time you can spend in the sun varies from person to person but if you know you are proned to burning or if you have a family history of skin cancer you, too, should take extra precautions. People who have had excessive exposure to UV radiation from the sun without protection are at a greater risk from skin cancer as this is the most common cause of skin cancer. Again, you could avoid this by using suncream and not staying out for too long. Males are 2-3 times more likely than females to have basal cell and squamous cell cancers. All children should wear suncream because they have more sensitive and reactive skin than adults. Playing in the sand and swimming can remove many protection screens so it should be reapplied as often as possible, children are recomended to wear a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or above.

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skin cancers impact is also noteable because it's victims tend to be younger than those of most other cancers. "Average age of skin-cancer diagnosis is 49, and victims in their teens, 20s and 30s are not uncommon," says researcher Dr. John Thompson of the university of washington and the Fred Huchinsin Cancer Research Centre. One way to reverse this trend is to take more care in our younger years. research has found that, in most cases of skin cancer, the cause can be linked back to childhood, usually to a bad case of sunburn. We can reduce the number of ...

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Overall a good essay with some decent points made on both sides of the argument though at times the writer is quite vague with their explanations. The conclusion would be helped by drawing directly from the main body of the text and some re-ordering of the middle paragraphs would help. As stated at the beginning there are many spelling and grammatical errors that are readily fixable with a spell check and a proof read. This will make the essay as a whole read much better. ***