Physics CourseWork - Terminal Velocity

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Laura Clements 11HR

Physics Course Work

Terminal Velocity


To find out how the weight of an object affects the Terminal Velocity.


This will be done by dropping a paper cake case from a height of 2 metres and measuring the time taken from it being dropped to it hitting the floor, the weight will then be increased by adding an extra cake case each time and carrying out the same method at each weight.

The time taken for the cake case to reach the ground and the distance that it is dropped from will be measured. There are not many safety precautions involved in this experiment, whilst carrying out the experiment care will have to be taken not to fall off any high apparatus if standing on it to reach the 2metres needed to drop the paper case.


The apparatus that will be needed to do this is:

• Stop Clock

• Cake Cases

• Metre rule


The variables that might affect the results are
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* The height the cake cases are dropped from

* The number of cake cases dropped (so effecting the weight)

* The angle at which the cake cases are dropped

* The air condition e.g. wind may effect the time

The one that I will be changing is the number of cake cases being dropped.

Fair Test:

I will make this a fair test by

• Dropping them all from the same height of 2 metres at the same angle

• Dropping each one 6 times and then finding ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay


This is a nice first attempt at a report. 1. The use of subheadings to give the report structure is good, although some sections are missing. 2. The use of a diagram to illustrate a scientific concept is good. 3. The report needs an introduction that includes relevant information. 4. The report is missing a results table and graph. *** (3 stars)