Physics in Cartoons

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By: John Simone, Kunal Pinto

and Amanda Cipolla

Monday May 13, 2002

Physics in Cartoons

The cartoon that was analyzed by our group was the Disney movie The Emperor’s New Groove. This movie is very entertaining and comical, however when a closer look is taken at the use (or lack thereof) of Physics Laws, many errors can be found. The following are four examples of situations in The Emperors New Groove where the laws of physics were over looked and ignored in the creation of the scene.

#1 (19:05-19:48)

After Emperor Kusko is turned into a lama, he is put into a cloth bag and thrown into a stream. The bag travels with the current until it falls over a waterfall. Since the bag is cloth and would therefore, absorb and fill with water, the lama and the bag should sink instead of flowing with the current. This is due to the force of gravity on the body of the lama. Because the body of Kusko is more dense than the water, the body would not float, as is shown in the film, but would rather sink. Had the bag been waterproof and filled with much air, the lama and bag would float and follow the current of the stream.  

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#2 (34:02)

When Kusko first realizes that he has been transformed into a lama, he goes to a nearby pond to see his reflection. He stands roughly a foot in front of the pond and looks in to see his reflection is no longer that of a human. Since the water is acting as a plane mirror, <i = <r, with reference to the normal (perpendicular to the surface. In this case vertical.) Because of this law, the above is impossible. If the lama were looking at the water at a certain angle, the image could only be ...

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