Physics Resistance of a wire cwk

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Usamah Islam 10a                                                                           Physics Coursework



  • Understand how resistance in wires varies with length

Resistance wire is an electrical wire used for its resistance. It is routinely used at high temperatures, so normally also has high melting point. Resistance wire is usually used for high-power  and , which produce heat used in , electric  and , and many other appliances.

What is Resistance?

Electricity is conducted through a conductor, in this case wire, by means of free electrons. The number of free electrons depends on the material and more free electrons means a better conductor, i.e. it has less resistance. For example, gold has more free electrons than iron and, as a result, it is a better conductor. The free electrons are given energy and as a result move and collide with neighbouring free electrons. This happens across the length of the wire and thus electricity is conducted. Resistance is the result of energy loss as heat. It involves collisions between the free electrons and the fixed particles of the metal, other free electrons and impurities. These collisions convert some of the energy that the free electrons are carrying into heat.


Factors that can affect the resistance are:  

  • Material- Different materials have different resistance. Some materials are better conductors than others.
  • Length- As we will find out in the following investigation, the longer the wire the higher resistance. The electrons collide with fewer ions in a shorter wire than in a longer one.
  • Thickness- The thinner the wire the more resistance it has.
  • Temperature- Metal ions vibrate more when it is hotter so the collisions with electrons are more likely, this means that the higher the temperature, the higher its resistance.


The Equipment needed for this investigation is:

  • 2 x meters – one multimeter will measure the voltage (voltmeter) the other will measure the current(ammeter). The multimeter is measured to 3 decimal places which makes my results very accurate. If the multimeter only measured to one decimal place then my results would have not been so accurate. I used this to measure the voltage and current for my results and so I can work out the resistance.
  • 1 x wire board- the wire board has different lengths of wires on it. I used a wire board to attach different lengths of wire to my circuit.
  • 1 x power supply- the circuit obtains its energy from the power supply. I used a power supply so that the circuit worked.
  • 6 x 0.27mm wires - I used the wires to complete the full circuit
  • 1 x rheostat- the rheostat keeps the current the same throughout the circuit. I used this to keep the current the same, making the test fair.
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We are going to do two experiments: a preliminary experiment and an actual experiment. Both experiments will be testing the resistance, voltage and current of six different length wires. We will carry out the preliminary experiment as a tester to make sure it works and if anything doesn’t, we will know what to change for the actual experiment.

The six different lengths on the wire board that we will test are:

  • -10cm
  • -20cm
  • -30cm
  • -40cm
  • -50cm
  • -60cm

The Independent Variable is the length of the wire. The independent variable is the variable that is being ...

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