Plan and carry out an experiment to determine the concentration of potato cell cytoplasm

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Melissa Parvis 4W

Plan and carry out an experiment to determine the concentration of potato cell cytoplasm


Definition of Osmosis:

Diffusion of fluid through a semi permeable membrane from a solution with a low solute concentration to a solution with a higher solute concentration until there is an equal concentration of fluid on both sides of the membrane.”



Plant cells have a strong cell wall surrounding them, when they take up water by osmosis they begin to swell up but the cell wall prevents them from bursting. Plant cells become what is called “Turgid” when they are put in dilute solutions, the characteristics of a turgid plant cell are it being swollen and hard, the pressure inside the cell then increases and eventually the pressure because too much and no more water can be absorbed by the cell. This is what makes the stems and leaves of the plant stand up and face the sunlight.

When plant cells are placed in concentrated sugar solutions they lose water because of osmosis, basically the exact opposite happens when the plant cell is turgid and the cell becomes “Flaccid” and the cells shrinks and loses shape.


When a plant cell becomes plasmolsysed this is usually because it has not got enough water. The cell contents peel away from the cell wall and under a microscope (seen below) the cell walls become visible.

 <Plasmolysed Cells

< Flaccid Cells

<Turgid Cells


Hypertonic: Having the higher osmotic pressure of two solutions.

Hypotonic: Having the lower osmotic pressure of two fluids.

Isotonic point: Situation where a cell can neither swell nor shrink, or, the equal tension point


A Dependant Variable- The variable which is measured, in this case the mass of the initial and final mass of the potato chunks.

An Independent Variable- This is the variable that is changed. In this case this is the concentration of the sucrose solution.

Controlled Variables

These are variables that will constantly stay the same. These are

The volume of the Solution

The length of the potato chip

Temperature – This is kept the same because all the specimens will be kept in the same environment.

Same species of potato – This is Maris Piper

All the specimens will be kept in their solutions for the same amount of time, this will be two days.

Fair testing

Temperature- All the specimens will be kept at the same temperature. If we left some in a hot environment and some in a cold environment this would not be a fair test. This is because the warmer it is the faster the particles move and this will increase the rate of osmosis. So if I left some in a cold environment and some in a warm environment we would find the specimens left in the warm environment would have a faster osmosis rate because there would be more energy resulting in faster moving water molecules.

Potato species- This is a very simple variable to fix because all we have to do is keep to the same type of potato and in this case we are using “Maris Piper” potatoes. If we were to use all different types of potatoes then we would not get a fair result. This is because different species of potato have different water contents which would mean in the potatoes with the higher water content; (if we were to use different species) they would have a slower rate of osmosis because there would be a smaller difference in the concentrations.

Time left for- The longer the time we leave the potatoes the longer the time we have for osmosis to occur. If we were to leave some specimens for a much longer time than the others, which would mean the potatoes left in their solution longest would have a greater rate of osmosis. To prevent this from happening we are going to take the potatoes out at the same time two days after putting them in their solutions.

Volume of solution- This is fixed by using a measuring cylinder to measure the sucrose solution exactly. If we were to put random amounts of the sucrose solution in with each specimen then we would get completely unreliable results because the specimens with a lot of sucrose solution would have a higher rate of osmosis because there is a larger difference in concentrations and so if there only a little sucrose solution in one specimen then there will be a low rate of osmosis.

Preliminary work  


Safety glasses are not a vital part of safety, since there aren’t any harmful chemicals I will be using in this particular experiment. Although I am using scalpels and glass test tubes so I need to be careful and concentrate when I am using these in case I cut myself. I am also using electricity for the balances so I will need to be careful when I switch them on and off and use the plug socket.

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Apparatus list

One potato

One set of cork borers

Three test tubes

A cutting board

A scalpel

Distilled water

Sucrose solution

A balance to measure mass


1. We took three specimens in tubes

2. In the first tube we added 10ml of distilled water (0M)

3. In the second tube we added 10ml of sucrose solution (0.5M)

4. In the third tube we added 10ml of sucrose solution (1M)

5. We took a cork borer and pushed it through a potato three times to make three potato chunks.

6. We cut the ends off ...

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