PLAN for the investigation into the affect of the concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate on its rate of reaction with hydrochloric acid.

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Chemistry- PLAN for the investigation into the

affect of the concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate

on it's rate of reaction with hydrochloric acid.

Rates of reactions are affected by four main factors of reactants which are the size of the particles of the reactant, the temperature of the reactant, the concentration of the reactant and adding a catalyst into the solution. As shown by the title the main one which will be focused on in this planning and experiment is the concentration of the solution of sodium thiosulphate. This affects the rate of reaction as the more concentrated reactant 1 is the more particles of the acid there are which come into contact with reactant 2, and then this means more particles from reactant 1 are reacting with reactant 2 and so this means the rate of the reaction is faster.


60cm3 of sodium thiosulphate

10cm3 of water

5cm3 of hydrochloric acid at 1M

Measuring Cylinder


Conical Flask

Paper with X


So my above information on the rate of reactions to do with concentration concludes my prediction, as, my prediction is the more concentrated the sodium thiosulphate the more faster the reaction between the sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid will be. I think this will be the case because as shown above the more concentrated the thiosulphate is the more particles of it there will be that react with the hydrochloric acid, so this will make a faster reaction and make the cross disappear faster aswell. Because when the sodium thiosulphate particles will react with the hydrochloric acid I think this will make the solution block out the cross quicker due to the no. of particles of sodium thiosulphate reacting with the acid being larger. Also preliminary work was done and this supports that the more concentrated a solution the faster a reaction and this is shown in my preliminary results and graph below in my preliminary work.

Preliminary Work:
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The preliminary work was carried out using a simulation off the computer. This was utilized by there being controls on the amount of sodium thiosulphate and water, which were altered each time by 10cm3 to equal 50cm3 always and this was for the change in concentration, the amount of hydrochloric acid, which stayed the same as 5cm3 at 1M, the time was measured to see when the cross would disappear and this time was noted each time, and finally the temperature was controlled to stay at 20ºC throughout this experiment. The graph and results from the investigation of ...

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