Preparation of Cyclohexene

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Preparation of Cyclohexene


The main aim of this experiment is to synthesise Cyclohexene from Cyclohexanol using the ‘Quick Fit’ apparatus, and then purifying and distilling the product. I will then try a number of reactions with the Cyclohexene to test its purity and content.


  1. Add 10cm3 of Cyclohexanol in a round bottomed flask
  2. With a dropping pipette, add 4cm3 of concentrated Phosphoric Acid – shake the flask as you add the acid (noting increased temperature)

NB. CAUTION: Handle phosphoric acid with care. It is corrosive to tissue. If your skin comes into contact with Phosphoric acid, wash the contaminated area immediately with water, then soap and water. Clean up spills immediately using the sodium bicarbonate if available.

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  1. I will arrange the apparatus as shown above
  2. I will need to gently heat the flask to distil over the liquid
  3. I will then pour the distillate into a separating funnel and add 2cm3 of a saturated solution of Sodium Chloride.
  4. I will shake the mixture and allow the two mixtures to separate
  5. The organic layer will need to be transferred into a small flask and added to 8 - 9 pieces of Anhydrous Calcium Chloride
  6. I will then shake the mixture until it becomes clear (adding more Anhydrous Calcium Chloride if necessary)
  7. I then ...

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