Protein & Enzyme Report

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                        Protein & Enzyme Report



An enzyme is a biological catalyst. Its function is to speed up chemical reactions and lowering the activation energy required for reaction to proceed at much lower temperatures. The rates of reaction of enzymes are affected by factors such as concentration of enzymes, temperature and ph levels. (ScienceLine 2003)

The more concentrated the enzymes will be the more faster the rate of reaction will be. However, there is a point where the reaction cannot go any faster, since all the active sites (where the enzyme binds the substrate molecule) are being used.  (Campbell & Reece 2002)

Enzyme reactions increases with increasing temperatures, but only up to a certain point. As the temperature increases the substrate molecules collide with active sites (the region where the reaction occurs) more often when molecules move quickly. However, if the temperature goes beyond that point the rate of reaction drops dramatically. This breaks down the bonds, which hold the molecule together so the active site can no longer fit the substrate. The enzyme is denatured and no longer reacts Each enzyme has its own optimal range for temperature. This is also true for pH as they work best in the environment that the enzymes lives in. Most enzymes have an optimal pH range of between 6-8. (Campbell and Reece 2002)

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For the experiments that was carried out, the aim was to investigate the effects of enzyme concentration, temperature and pH on the rate of reaction. The enzyme that was used is called ‘amylase’ which is extracted from a fungi called Aspergillus Oryzae. (P Adam 2004)


The material and methods for the experiments carried out followed the instructions from (P Adam 2004) subject guide from pages 97-121. However slight changes were made. The changes are shown in the below tables.

Table 3 – Temperature results Obtained

Table 6 – pH results obtained


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