Pulse Rates

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GCSE Practical Investigation

Pulse Rates


In this experiment I’m going to investigate pulse rates and the factors that affect pulse rates. Every time the heart or cardiac muscle contracts it registers a pulse. The pulse is caused by the action of the heart as it pumps blood throughout the body. Depending on the amount of blood pumped through the arteries, the arteries expand and contract and the blood being pumped through the arteries causes a pressure wave that you feel as your pulse. You can check your pulse in several places:

  • Just over the temple at the side of your head, this is known as the ‘Temporal pulse’.
  • At the base of the thumb on the inside of the wrist, this is known as the ‘Radial pulse’.
  • On either side of the neck, this is known as the ‘Cartoid pulse’.
  • On the inside of the groin, this is known as the ‘Femoral pulse’.
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The heart needs to pump blood around the body because; the blood contains haemoglobin, which carries oxygen, to the muscle tissue for respiration.


Factors to investigate

The factor that I’m going to investigate is how the duration of exercise affects the pulse rate.



During my investigation I will use a stopwatch, an exercise step, sensible shoes and a safe area to exercise.



I think that the longer I exercise for the higher my pulse rate will go. I think this because the muscles contract at a faster rate during exercise meaning they will need more ...

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