Rate of reaction.

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Rate Of Reaction

A chemical reaction is when one substance is turned it into another.

example A steel rod rusting. The rusting happens because the iron in the metal combines with oxygen in the atmosphere.

An ice cube, in a solid state, melting into a liquid is not a reaction. That is a physical change.

Single reactions often happen as part of a larger series of reactions. Take something as simple as moving your arm. The contraction of that muscle requires sugars for energy, those sugars need to be metabolised. Proteins need to move in a certain way to make the muscle contract. A whole series (hundreds actually) are needed to make it happen.


The rate of a reaction is the speed at which a reaction happens. If a reaction has a low rate that means the molecules combine at a slower speed than a reaction with a high rate. Some reactions take hundreds, maybe even thousands of years while other can happen in less than one second. The rate of reaction depends on the type of molecules that are combining.


The collision theory tells us that, the more collisions in a system, the more likely chemical reactions will take place. So if there are a grater number of collisions in a system, more combinations of molecules will occur. Therefore the reaction will go faster, and the rate of the reaction will be increased.


Chemical reactions take place all around us like the rusting of a car, but this is not always at the same speed. There are 4 main factors that affect the speed of a reaction and the number of collisions that occur.

(1) CONCENTRATION: If there is more of a substance in a system there is a higher chance that molecules will collide and speed up the rate of the reaction. If there is less of something, there will be fewer collisions and the reaction will probably happen at a slower speed.

(2) TEMPERATURE: When you raise the temperature of a system the speed that the molecules move around is increased (because they have more energy). As they move around more they are more likely to collide. That means they are also more likely to combine. When you lower the temperature the molecules are slower and collide less. That temperature drop lowers the rate of the reaction.
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(3) PRESSURE: Pressure affects the rate of reaction especially when looking at gases. When you increase the pressure the molecules have less space to move around. That greater concentration makes them collide with each other more often. When you decrease the pressure molecules don't hit each other as much and there are fewer collisions. That lower pressure lowers the rate of reaction.

(4) SURFACE AREA: When a solid lump is cut into pieces, its rate of reaction always increases. In the lump the particles are locked away inside. But when cut into pieces more particles are exposed ...

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