Rate of reaction between Hydrochloric acid and magnesium.

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Rate of reaction between

Hydrochloric acid and magnesium

Key variables

  • Concentration of acid - This could affect the rate of reaction because the higher the concentration of the acid then the more acid particles so there will be more collisions per second.
  • Temperature of acid – when something gets hot, its molecules move about faster so therefore the reaction will take place quicker.
  • Surface area – the bigger the surface area, the faster the reaction will happen because there is a larger are exposed therefore more atoms will be as well.
  • Catalyst – a catalyst will speed up the reaction so if we put a catalyst in there then the reaction will occur quicker

We will only change the concentration in this experiment because it the easiest one to do. We will not use a catalyst; we will keep the temperature constant and keep the surface area the same.

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I plan to investigate the effect of concentration of acid, in the reaction between dilute hydrochloric acid and magnesium ribbon. The rate of a chemical reaction is a measure of how fast the reaction takes place. It is important to know that a rapid reaction is completed in a short period of time. Some reactions are very fast, for example; the formation of silver chloride precipitates when silver nitrate and hydrochloric acid solutions are mixed. In this investigation I will test different concentrations of acid reacting with magnesium.


Hydrochloric acid

Water bath

Measuring ...

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