Rate of reaction between magnesium ribbon and hydrochloric acid.

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GCSE Chemistry coursework: Rate of reaction between magnesium ribbon and hydrochloric acid


The aim of the investigation is to find out what effect concentration of acid has on the reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium ribbon.


The concentration refers to the number of particles in a given volume, a more concentrated solution has more particles in the same area. This means the particles are more likely to collide with one another, thus increasing the rate of reaction. The more collisions with sufficient energy increases rate of reaction .

        I chose to do this particular experiment because I found it interesting and I wanted to see how much of an effect concentration would have on the rate of reaction. I also found this reaction to be good for measuring the effects of increased concentration.

Key variables:  

        The rate of reaction depends on four factors and the following are the four possible factors I could investigate:

  1. Temperature: This increases the number of collisions, when the temperature is increased, the particles have more energy and move more quickly. If they are going to move quicker, they will have more collisions.

  1. Concentration: This also increases the number of collisions. If the solution is more concentrated, there are more particles in a given volume. Which makes collisions more likely and therefore increasing the rate of reaction.

  1. Catalyst: An enzyme is a biological catalyst. This increases the rate of reaction. This increases the rate of reaction without getting used up.


  1. Surface area: If the reactant is a solid then breaking it up into smaller pieces will increase the surface area. This means the surrounding particles will have more area to react, thus increasing rate of reaction.

I am going to investigate concentration and its effect on rate of reaction.

Fair test:

        I use the same mass of magnesium ribbon in a 2cm length. I will keep the volume of dilute hydrochloric acid the same for each test, 20cm³. I will use the same Ph level of acid for each test and I will keep the temperature constant by doing all the experiments on one day, and I will monitor the temperature before starting each test. If all experiments cannot be completed I will do it the next day and monitor the temperature to make sure it is the same as all the other experiments. I will make the temperature constant to the closest degree. I will also always use distilled water for each test.  

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Preliminary experiments and results:

For my main investigation and experiment after analysing the preliminary results. At 0.5M the decomposition of the magnesium was very slow and therefore for my main investigation I will use 1M, 1.2M, 1.4M, 1.6M, 1.8M and 2M concentrations, to see the effect this has on the rate of reaction.


  • 100ml-measuring cylinder: Filled with water and when gas enters out of delivery tube water will escape through bottom and at the end of the reaction I will be left with an air pocket at the top of ...

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