Rates of Reaction.

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Jahedur Rahman                                                                                 Rates Of Reaction

Rates of Reaction


In this investigation, I am going to find out how changing the concentration of a solution, which consists of Hydrochloric Acid, SodiumThiosulphate and Water, affects the time in which a reaction occurs.

Using a tile with a cross on we will observe and record how long it will take for the solution to react and due to it’s the cloudiness that will occur during the investigation we will see how long it takes for the solution to cover it up and record this then use a simple equation to find out how long it each mixtures rate of reaction is.

Prediction & Background:

We know if a reaction is taking place due to the fact that something is occurring within the mixture

For example such reaction changes are

  • Colour change
  • Smell is diffused to its surroundings
  • Solution/mixture turns cloudy
  • Any gases released from the Solution/mixture in bubble form or if collected
  • Temperature changes- Exothermic where heat is given out e.g. burning a fuel

Or Endothermic where heat is taken in e.g. photosynthesis

  • (A flame given off)
  • Neutralisation- where a salt is produced when a acid reacts with a substance
  • Displacement- when a more reactant metal takes the place of a lesser one

I think that in this investigation that the more concentrated a Solution/mixture the faster the rate of reaction will take place. I know this because it is a known fact that if you dilute something the slower the reaction takes place that is why I believe that the most concentrated substance will react the most in the investigation.

This is due to the “collision theory” of which is said that the more concentrated the Solution/mixture the more the particles in it will collide resulting in a faster reaction transpiring. . Due to the increased collision the temperature inside the solution will rise resulting in a faster reaction occurring.

I believe that in this investigation we will also see reactions of the solution turning cloudy and see a salt being made maybe as we know that when an acid reacts with a base substance a salt and water is produced.

My result at the end of this investigation will show you that if I am right, that the more concentrated solution will react faster, It will show compared to  other results that the time taken for the more concentrated solution is faster than that it that’s for other mixtures.



In this investigation the variables I will change are:

  • The concentration level of the mixture. The amount of solution we put into the mixture. This investigation is based on the concentration of the mixture therefore I will the change the amount of Sodium Thiosulphate and distilled water I will put into the mixture.


  • In this investigation I will observe and record the time it takes for the 2/3 substances to react together and see how long it takes for it to cover the cross on the tile.
  • After this I will then calculate and find out what the rate of reaction is for each level of concentration.


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To keep this investigation as accurate as possible I will keep fair

  • The same conical flask- the same volume as it can cause confusion when reading the measurements resulting in inaccuracy
  • To keep the amount of substances put in the same- in total we will have 50ml of substances at all times
  • To have 25ml of HCL acid in flask-I will only change the amount of sodium thiosulphate and distilled water put in but this will always total up to 25ml.
  • We will repeat this investigation a number of 3 times so at the end we have an average ...

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