Rates of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid

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Robynne Armstrong

Chemistry – Rate of Reaction

I have been asked to investigate the rates of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid. I know that the following factors will affect the results I get when I complete my investigation:

  • Surface Area
  • Temperature
  • Concentration
  • Catalysts

I am going to dilute some sodium thiosulphate with filtered water to make different solutions and then see how long they take to react with the hydrochloric acid.

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Preliminary experiment:  

Before I completed my main investigation, I preformed a preliminary experiment. I completed this experiment to test my method and gather an initial set of set of results. After I successfully completed my preliminary experiment I set out to collect my official set of results. I planned to make this series of tests more accurate so I could therefore collect a more reliable set of data.


  1. Set up the conical beaker on a laminated cross, and two sets of burettes, one to measure out distilled ...

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