Rates of Reaction Investigation

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Wednesday, 13 February 2002

Rates of Reaction


I will be conducting an experiment on "rates of reaction" for my GCSE coursework. We will be reacting sodium thiosulphate with hydrochloric acid. I will be investigating the effects had on rate of reaction and to find out the how the temperature will effect the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydroclolic acid.

When sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric are mixed, a yellow precept of sulphur is produced. The solution becomes increasingly difficult to see through as more and more sulphur is formed.


The higher the temperature, the less time it will take to go cloudy.


In order to conduct any type of experiment, you need equipment. The equipment I used was:
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Measuring Cylinder

Small measuring cylinder


2 beakers

Pad (marked with black cross) white cross


Plan and Method

To investigate what effect concentration of sodium thiosulphate has on the rate of reaction. The volume of HCL needs to be kept at 10cm3 constantly each time. Start with 60cm3 of sodium thiosulphate. Last reaction will have only 10cm3 of sodium thiosulphate.

Reactions will be completed when the x disappears, for the timing to stop. Three reactions will be made for each test; this is done to gain the different averages.

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