Report on Newton's laws of motion

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 Have ever been in a car when the driver has suddenly applied the brakes? Have you ever tried to pull a heavy trolley or observed a plane flying in the air? If so, then you have experienced Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws of Motion. Newton’s three laws of motion are applied in everyday experience of our normal activities —from how the planets move around the Sun to how a person walks. This report is intended to help understand the meanings of the three laws of motion. The paper is also trying to find the relationship between force and motion. Throughout the whole report we will apply these laws to everyday practices.

Table of Contents                                                                               Page number


Newton's First Law of Motion (Law of Inertia)…………………………4

Examples of the Newton’s first law of motion…………………………..4

Newton’s second law of motion…………………………………………5

Some Applications of Newton’s second law…………………………….5

Newton’s Third Law of motion………………………………………….6

Some examples of the third law…………………………………………7




Sir Isaac Newton was in my mind the father of physics. His many discoveries in the field of physics prove that. He was born in 1642 and died in 1727. He had his bachelor degree and his masters of arts by 1669. Newton’s main fields were science and mathematics. He created the well-known famous calculus before Leibniz' became popular. On the other hand, Newton's most affective and famous discovery was gravity which states that {the earth's (gravitational pull) pulls objects toward it}.

Newton came up with three laws of motion; these laws form the base of the first branch of physics (Classical Mechanics). What is unique about Newton’s laws is that they explain the way objects move and this is done by finding the relationship between force and motion on the macroscopic level. These laws are the reason behind making physics applicable almost all over the universe except for quantum mechanics, the second branch of physics, which focuses more on the motion at a microscopic level.

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In this report I am going to discuss the three laws of motion and the way it deals with forces and masses and how these “factors” affect the objects’ motion.

Once we understand these laws, we will be able to answer very general questions like:

  1. What mechanism changes the objects motion
  2. Why do some objects accelerate? Why do some objects accelerate more than other objects?(Serway, 2004)

This report will be divided into three sections; in the first section, I will discuss Newton’s first law in details with some application. In the second part, a brief explanation ...

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