Science Research Task- Francium

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Francium is classified as an “Alkali Metal” and located in Group 1 elements of the Periodic Table. Francium has an atomic number of 87 and its atomic mass is 223. Elements classified as Alkali Metal are very reactive and does not occur freely in nature.

Francium was discovered by Marguerite Perey in 1939. There are many reasons why it took scientists nearly 80 years to discover francium [1]. One is that, francium is extremely rare. An ounce exists at any given time throughout the earth's crust, so it is very hard to find francium on the earth’s crust [2]. Another reason is that, Francium is obtained from the decay of actinium and can be found in trace amounts in  and  , which makes it very radioactive and also as francium is very reactive and unstable, it will always try to become stable by decaying therefore it is very hard to handle [1]. The technology and equipment required to handle such radioactive and unstable element was not present until the 20th century, so that can be another reason for the late discovery of francium.

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My predicted boiling point for Francium is 27°c

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My predicted boiling point for Francium is 667°c

Alkali metals often react violently, especially with substances such as water, halogens or Group 6 elements. This is due to their lone electron occupying the outer shell which is weakly attracted to the nucleus; therefore it is easily lost to other compounds with a high a tendency to attract/accept electrons ...

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