Scientific Investigation about Osmosis

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Scientific Investigation about Osmosis


As we know that plants take water from the soil to make food during photosynthesis. Photosynthesis occurs mostly in leaves. All plants have cells and all cells contain water and have a shape.

I am going to investigate, whether different concentrations of sugar solution effect the size and mass of the potato chips. In this investigation, I am using sugar solution and potato chips. When sugar is dissolved in water, it is known as sugar solution. This sugar solution has molarity, which is a measure of concentration. I am using different molarities of sugar solution to find the effect of concentration of sugar solution on size and mass of potato chips. Potatoes are made of plant's cells, because it is obtained from plants. By using potato chips, I will find the results about transfer of water in and out of plant cells. This in and out movement of water in the cells effects the size and mass of the cells in a plant. In this experiment the variables are 'Different concentrations of sugar solution'. Other factors that also effect the potato size and mass will remain the same. I will use same size and mass of potato chips and same volume of sugar solution in specific amount of time, but the concentrations of sugar solution will be different.

As we know that all plants contain a large vacuole. A vacuole is a fluid-filled space in the cytoplasm surrounded by a membrane. It is a permanent feature of the structure of the cell, with an important role to play. The vacuole of a plant cell is surrounded by a membrane called tonoplast. Vacuole is filled with cell sap, a solution of various substances in water. The water moves in and out, in the cells. This is due to Osmosis. Osmosis is the net movement of water molecules from a high concentration of water (dilute) or less concentrated solution to a low concentration of water (concentrated) or more concentrated solution across a semi-permeable membrane. There are three different types of solutions that are necessary to know in terms of osmosis, which are Hypotonic solution, Isotonic solution and Hypertonic solution. Hypotonic solution is a solution in which the osmotic concentration of solutes is lower than that in the cell. Isotonic solution is a solution in which the osmotic concentration of solutes is the same as that in the cell. Hypertonic solution is a solution in which the osmotic concentration of solutes is higher than that in the cell.


I predict that the mass and size of the potato chip decreases, when the concentration of sugar solution is high. As simple, the lower the concentration or molarity of sugar solution the greater the mass and size of the potato chip. Because the higher the concentration or molarity of sugar solution the higher the particles of sugar present in the solution. As osmosis is the net movement of water molecules from an area of higher water potential to an area of lower water potential through a partially permeable membrane, therefore no sugar molecules can pass through the partially permeable membrane. This is because the partially permeable membrane allows the small solvent molecules of water to pass but prevents the movement of large solute molecules. Therefore the water molecules move out and the cell becomes flaccid. On the other hand, in the hypertonic solution there are less molecules of water and greater molecules of sugar solution. As in Osmosis, the net movement of water molecules from high concentration to low concentration across semi-permeable membrane, therefore, the water molecules inside cell will move out towards the sugar solution, which will decrease the size and mass of the cell. I predict that the higher the concentration of solute or lower concentration of solvent outside the cell, the smaller the mass and size of potato. Similarly, I predict that the lower the solute or higher the concentration of solvent outside the cell, the greater the size and mass of the potato. If the concentration of water inside and outside of the vacuole is same, then there will be decrease and increase in mass and size of potato chips.

Apparatus and Safety

The equipment that I am using in this experiment are Measuring Cylinders, Sugar Solution, Potato Chips obtained from Potato, Borer, Petri Dishes, Petri Dish Lid, Ruler, Stop Watch, Distilled Water, Filter Paper, Weighing Machine, Labels, Funnel, Knife, Body Protector and Eye Protector.
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I should also make sure that I am wearing all protected equipment before starting experiment. As knife is dangerous, I should make sure that I use it safely and after use, I put it at safe place, so that, other students are protected from it. Borer can also be dangerous, because it has sharp end. While using Borer, I should make sure that I use it safely. I should use funnel, while pouring sugar solution in measuring cylinder to keep the surroundings clean and clear.


First of all to test that the concentration of ...

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