Scientists map bacterium genome

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ARTICLE:  “Scientists map bacterium genome”

SOURCE:  Toronto Star ()

DATE PUBLISHED:  May 8th, 2002


Researchers compiled together a genetic map of soil bacterium that could lead to the discovery of new antibiotics and cures for cancer.  The main bacteria that they mapped was streptomyces which is commonly used in the production of many antibiotics and for many natural medical compounds.

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I believe that having this genome map of this commonly used bacteria “streptomyces” is an excellent opportunity for scientists to discover cures for many of the sicknesses and cancers that live amongst many people.  Finally more efficient cures for the many sicknesses that populate many of us will be discovered.  Will being diagnosed with cancer ever be the same and as catching a cold?  It will cut costs for medicine by large amounts, and generally more people will live for longer periods of time.  By eventually overcoming many diseases and cancers society can concentrate on more important ...

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The writing is very clear and the report is concisely written to present the correct facts. Minor grammatical errors but spelling, punctuation and grammar mainly fine.

The candidate provides a good summary of what the mapping of the genome may mean for the future and what bacterium was used. It would have been good for the candidate to perhaps post why this particular bacterium was used, and to include an image of the map and how it was done to show further research. The candidate compares different factors in the response, such as the impact of the technology on the population and the cost to a good degree. They should have provided a conclusion summing up their views on the overall impact to show their overall reasoning and draw the report together. The candidate seems to believe the research will have a bigger impact than is conceivably possible without backing their claims up with evidence which would show good reasoning behind the viewpoint.

Appears to be a report about the mapping of the bacterial genome. The report itself is concise and considers the impact of this new technology on the general population in an easy to read way. The candidate should have gone into greater scientific depth in certain areas and showed greater consideration for the research and what this means to gain marks for scientific understanding.