Seeing how the Length of Wire affects the Resistance to the Current

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Nicholas Marshall 11A

Seeing how the Length of Wire affects the Resistance to the Current


To see how increasing the length of the wire affects the resistance to the flowing current.

Scientific knowledge-

The things that I need to know about in this experiment are current and resistance.


In a battery one plate is at a positive potential and the other is at a negative potential, this potential difference being a property of the chemicals of which the battery is made. If a wire joins the battery terminals, the potential difference that exists between the ends of the wire will result in the weakly bound electrons (metals have electrons which are very weakly attached to their atom, which is why they're such good conductors) to flow through the wire. This makes an electric current.

When the rate of flow of a charge past a point is 6 x 1018 electrons per second, the current is 1 ampere (A).

Potential Difference (Voltage)-

In order to achieve current flow in a circuit a potential difference (V) must exist. The unit of potential difference is the volt (V). Two points are at a potential difference of one volt if one joule of work is done per coulomb of electric charge passing between the points.


Resistance occurs when the electrons travelling along the wire collide with the atoms of the wire. These collisions slow down the flow of electrons causing resistance. Resistance is a measure of how hard it is to move the electrons through the wire. 4 factors affect resistance:

Factor 1: Temperature: If the wire is heated up the atoms in the wire will start to vibrate because of their increase in kinetic energy. This causes more collisions between the electrons and the atoms as the atoms are moving into the path of the electrons with their increased kinetic energy. This increase in collisions means that there will be an increase in resistance.

Factor 2: Material: The type of material will affect the amount of free electrons that are able to flow through the wire. The number of electrons depends on the amount of electrons in the outer energy shell of the atoms, so if there are more or larger atoms then there must be more electrons available. If the material has a high number of atoms there will be high number of electrons causing a lower resistance because of the increase in the number of electrons. Also if the atoms in the material are closely packed then the electrons will have more frequent collisions and the resistance will increase. So in this way, the material can depict whether there will be more or less resistance.

Factor 3: Wire length: If the length of the wire is increased then the resistance will also increase as the electrons will have a longer distance to travel and so more collisions will occur. Due to this the length increase should be proportional to the resistance increase.

Factor 4: Wire width: If the wire's width is increased the resistance will decrease. This is because of the increase in the space for the electrons to travel through. Due to this increased space between the atoms there should be less collisions.

How to measure resistance:

As the potential difference between the ends of a conductor is increased the current passing through it increases. If the temperature of the conductor does not alter, the current that flows is proportional to the potential difference applied (Ohm's law). Here's a graph to show this rule.

The gradient of this graph has a constant value, obtained by dividing the potential difference at any point by the current. The value of this constant gradient is known as the resistance of the conductor. When the line curves you know that temperature is affecting it in some way.
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The formula therefore for resistance is: Volt (V) / Current (I) = Resistance (R) (?)


V = I x R

Considering the plan-

For this experiment I already have the processes for measuring the resistance. It includes voltage and current (as seen form the formulas above) so I will need an ammeter and a voltmeter to measure the to values that I need to get the resistance value. I will also need a battery/ power pack to get my current flowing and wires to make the circuit and I also need an ...

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