"Separating colors in leaves using Chromatography"

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“Separating colors in leaves using Chromatography”

by Sebastien Hammond 10D

INTRO: Chromatography is a technique that is used to separate the substances present in a mixture. It is also widely used to determine the identity of a substance; particuly organic compounds.

In paper chromatography absorbant paper, in this case filter paper, is used as the stationary phase. A solution of the sample that is to be analysed, in this case leaves and leaf mixtures, is made up and placed onto one end of the paper as a small spot of the mixture. The position of the spot is known as the ‘origin’.

For paper chromatography the components of a mixture can be identified by the distance they travel along the stationary phase compared to the distance travelled by the solvent, in this case isopropyll. This is known as the Rf value and is expressed as.         Distance moved from origin by mixture

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                     Rf =  Distance moved from origin by solvent

Each component has a characteristic Rf value for the conditions under which the chromatogram was obtained. By comparing the Rf values of the components of a particular mixture with the Rf values of a known substance under identical conditions, the compounds present in a mixture can be identified.

AIM: to compare and analyse the colors and Rf levels of single leaves and a combination of leaves before and after the chromatographic process.


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