Should we produce more artificial fertilizers to produce more food?

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One World Essay : Should We produce more artificial fertilizers to produce more food?

Ryutaro Tanno 11K

MYP Science – One World Essay

Should we produce more artificial fertilizers to produce more food?

Woodside Park International School

Ryutaro Tanno 11K


Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

Why have farmers in the present time relied on use --------------------------------------------- 2

of artificial fertilizers rather than organic fertilizers?

What is the Haber Process and are its disadvantages? ----------------------------------------- 3

What are the negative effect of artificial fertilizers on people and the environment? ----- 5

Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

Bibliography ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  

Appendices -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The world’s cultivated lands are limited and it is sad that only eight billion people can be sustained by the present ability of world food production. Nowadays food shortages in Less Developed Countries, especially African countries have deepened over the few decades and the United Nation has speculated that the world population will increase to 9.2 billions by 2050. Unless we take certain measures even more people will starve to death in the future. Although some researchers have advocated that we need to utilize more artificial fertilizers to catch up with the fast growing demands for food, there have been a number of disputes over this subject due to the negative consequences which can stem from its use and its impacts on people and the environment. Therefore, in this essay I would like to discuss whether we should produce more artificial fertilizers in order to produce more food or not.  

Why have farmers in the present time relied on use of artificial fertilizers rather than organic fertilizers?

Plants need numerous different chemical elements in order to grow and thrive. The biogenic chemical elements which are particularly important for the growth of plants are nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, and they are needed in large quantities (see Appendix A). However in reality as generally they accumulate in soils in the process of microorganisms decomposing dead of plants and wastes of animals sources of these macronutrients are limited naturally, so their availability in soils tends to be so low that they can become deficient very often due to the difficulty of natural replacement. As I have noted before, these three elements are really vital in order for plants to grow and their deficiency in soils can be a great limitation on the growth of plants. Although there are still many environmentally friendly ways to solve this problem, such as the use of animal manures, heap composts and leguminous plants, most farmers have nowadays relied on artificial fertilizers, mainly supplying just nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous. This is because artificial fertilizers are economically much more advantageous than organic fertilizers. In case of organic fertilizers, until its effect becomes observable bacteria convert various forms of the three vital macronutrients to something different so that plants can actually take in the nutrients (Eg, nitrogen  nitrates ). Therefore it takes more time to grow plants and its efficiency is comparatively low. By contrast as artificial fertilizers are generally comprised of nutrients themselves plants can take them in directly without any time-consuming processes such as, decomposition, nitrification and nitrogen-fixation. Therefore it enables famers to grow more plants efficiently at a period of time. Information on the amount of nutrients and the exact elements in organic fertilizers such as manure is not readily available and it often results in adding nutrients which do not really meet with plants’ need and can cause a serious damage to them. By contrast, when you apply artificial fertilizer onto the soil you know the kinds and amounts of the elements it contains, and this allows you to be more precise in meeting a plant's nutritional needs and prevent them from adding other chemical elements which are not wanted by plants. Moreover although effect of organic fertilizers is hugely affected by the temperature of the soil and other natural factors, the effect of artificial fertilizers is not likely to be subjective to environmental changes. This is because artificial fertilizers can be directly taken up by plants without biological processes of microorganisms in the soil. Essentially, use of artificial fertilizers enhances the efficiency of agriculture and the productivity (crop yield) in comparatively comfortable and precise way rather than organic fertilizers. That is why more farmers have tended to prefer to use artificial fertilizers than organic fertilizers.

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What is the Haber Process and are its disadvantages?

The Haber Process has been today the principal method of producing ammonia which is the most vital substance to make fertilizers, and it has contributed to agricultural intensification worldwide. In the process, ammonia is manufactured from two raw materials hydrogen and nitrogen in the following reversible reaction:

Nitrogen + Hydrogen  Ammonia

N2 + 3H2  2NH3


Hydrogen is made from natural gases in combustion reactions and nitrogen is made in a large scale in the fractional distillation of liquefied air. Hydrogen and nitrogen gases are mixed ...

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