Should Whale hunting be banned

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2) BBC



Ali Ali 11W

Should whale hunting be banned?

Whaling is the hunting of whales mainly for meat and oil. Its earliest forms dates to at least 3,000 BC.Various coastal communities have long histories of sustenance whaling and harvesting beached whales. Industrial whaling emerged with organized fleets in the 17th century; competitive national whaling industries in the 18th and 19th centuries; and the introduction of factory ships along with the concept of whale harvesting in the first half of the 20th century. (This information was taken from Wikipedia and could be very unreliable due to Wikipedia being a public information database and it could be edited anytime by anyone making it possible for some of the things written here false.(1)

Why people hunt whales

We hunt for Wales because the demands for products have gone up and whales help us produce these luxuries e.g.
teeth- piano keys,buttons,jewelry
sinews- used for tennis racquets
oil-sperm whale oil taken from bone and skin used for high grade alcohol, shoes, cream, lipstick,ointment,crayons, candles, fertilizer, soap, and animal feed
skin- belts, shoes, bags
baleen- umbrellas, horse whips, shoehorn (This information was taken from the dolphin diagram on page 3 of the stimulus material making it very reliable due to this information taken from marine biologists and they have the right resources to open up a whale and see the types of resources they could provide us with.

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Most of these things are necessities and are needed in everyday life but the main reason whales are hunted if or meat and oil these two things are in demand everyday but that still doesn’t make it right to hunt whales

What are the consequences of whale hunting?

 Whales are a tourist attraction and by hunting  them you  are reducing their population which means they could face extinction and if they do become extinct then the areas which tourists are attracted due to whales being there will no longer be a tourist attraction causing money to be lost(This ...

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