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Tom Gregan

How does changing the concentration of sodium thiosulphate affect the rate of reaction with hydrochloric acid?

For my case study I was set the task of how the concentration of sodium thiosulphate affects the rate of reaction with hydrochloric acid. Here is the chemical equation for the reaction,  

Hydrochloric acid + sodium thiosulphate                      sodium chloride + water + Sulphur dioxide + Sulphur        

2HCL + Na2S2O3                      2NaCl + H2O + SO2 + S

Hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate are clear liquids but when mixed the solution should go cloudy; when it does we know a chemical reaction has taken place.

Carrying out this case study will hopefully help us find out if the rate of reaction is related to the increase in concentration of the reaction.

About Collision Theory

Collision Theory basically explains how  occur and why  differ for different reactions. This theory is based on the idea that reactant particles must collide for a reaction to occur, but only a certain fraction of the total collisions have the energy to connect effectively and cause the reactants to transform into products. This is because only a portion of the molecules have enough energy and the right orientation at the moment of impact to break any existing bonds and form new ones.

Preliminary work

Reaction of a metal and acid

2HCl + Mg                       MgCl2 + H2 

Bubbles of hydrogen are produced until all the magnesium has reacted

The test for hydrogen is a lighted splint gives out a sort of pop noise.

We decided not to use this experiment as there are too many variables such as trying to count all of the bubbles that are produced from the reaction it is also hard to cut the exact same amount of magnesium for each test so we decided not to use this experiment.

Reaction of marble chips and acid

CaCO3 + 2HCl                      CaCl2 +CO2 + H2O

Bubbles of carbon dioxide are produced until all the calcium carbonate has reacted.

 The test for carbon dioxide is putting a lighted splint out, or bubbling through lime water.

This experiment was also not chosen for very much the same reason it is hard to count the exact number of bubbles and also we would have to make sure we gave the same surface area of marble chips each time.

“Disappearing cross” reaction

We needed to check if the experiment actually worked and if it would be suitable to use as a case study it need only one independent variable – (something you change. You only change one independent variable at a time.  So it follows that a good experiment has only one independent variable.) In our case this was the amount of thiosulphate used in each solution. We also needed to make sure the same person checked when the cross disappeared and stop the stopwatch when it had disappeared we do this so the experiment is as fair as possible, if we changed it some peoples eyesight could be better so the cross would take longer to disappear leading to and outlier. The controlled variable in this experiment is the same type of cross (same size and colour) we washed out the measuring cylinder after every reaction test to avoid cross contamination. Another controlled variable was the amount of acid we used it was also 5cm³. The entire thing above makes this an easy reliable experiment to choose to carry out a case study on.        

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To find out what happened to the hydrochloric acid when mixed with different concentrations of sodium thiosulphate we needed to carry out an experiment, for this experiment we would need ; 1 Clamp 1 Blue Cross 1 Burette 1 Conical Flask and 2 beakers to store the chemicals 1 measuring cylinder and 1 stop watch to time how long the reaction took. We chose the equipment because it is easy to use and has a greater percent of accuracy than any other equipment.  We used a burette becuase it i the most accurate way of measuring out a particualr amount ...

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