Strontium is an alkaline earth metal in Group two Period five

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"the original discovery of the individual nature of strontianite must be ascribed to Crawford and Cruickshank; while Klaproth, Hope and Kirwan contributed equally and independently to the examination of the properties of strontianite and to the preparation of several compounds of strontium and their differentiation from those of barium." 

Adair Crawford is most commonly quoted as first predicting the existence of strontium in 1790. Crawford recognized the mineral strontianite (strontium carbonate), part of a sample of witherite (barium carbonate), and determined a new element was part of its composition.

Humphery Davy is thought to be the first to have isolated strontium by the electrolysis of strontium chloride and mercuric oxide in 1807-1808. Davy had by then also isolated sodium, potassium, barium, calcium and magnesium. Thomas Hope recommended naming the element "strontia" after the town of Stontian. 

Production Of Strontium

Most of the commercially produced strontium comes from Mexico (36%) and Spain (30%).Output in Turkey, Iran and the UK has recently dropped while China is becoming a bigger exporter of Strontium Carbonate. (Other sources say the largest commercially exploited sources are found in England) Strontium metal is commercially produced by the small-scale electrolysis of molten strontium chloride, SrCl2.

The reaction at the cathode: Sr2+ + 2e- Sr

The reaction at the anode: 2Cl-- 2e- Cl2

Strontium metal can also be isolated from the reduction of strontium oxide, SrO, with aluminium in a vacuum.

6SrO + 2Al 3Sr + Sr3Al2O6

The properties of strontium make it difficult to find any substitutes. Barium can be used in some cases but at increased cost and it would need the designs of the product to be changed.

Properties of Strontium

Strontium is an alkaline earth metal in Group two Period five. It is atomic number 38, and there are three allotropes of the metal. Strontium exists as four stable naturally occurring isotopes as well as sixteen unstable isotopes. Of these Strontium-88 is the most common natural isotope and Strontium-90 is the most dangerous unstable isotope. 

It is quite a soft metal and it can easily be cut with a knife. It is also somewhat malleable. It is so reactive it is never found free in nature but it is locked in a mineral such as strontianite. It has to be kept under kerosene to prevent oxidation. Non-oxidised strontium is silvery but will turn yellow after oxidation. If heated to 380°C it will not only react with oxygen but it will react with nitrogen to produce Strontium Nitride. 

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Strontium-90 is a radionuclide. It is one of the best long-lived high-energy beta particle emitters known. A beta particle is a subatomic particle ejected from the nucleus. They are comparable to electrons and have a charge of -1. They were discovered by Henri Becquerel (1852-1908) and in 1900 he showed they were identical to electrons. While the beta particle itself isn't radioactive their energy expressed in the form of speed can harm cells. They can break chemical bonds and form ions. Beta particles are released if a nucleus has too many neutrons for the protons; it is believed they break ...

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