Study the factors which effect the rate of reaction between Calcium Carbonate (marble chips) and Hydrochloric acid

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Study the factors which effect the rate of reaction between Calcium Carbonate

(marble chips) and Hydrochloric acid

Chemical equations:

Calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid  Calcium chloride + carbon dioxide

+ Water

CaCO3 (s) + 2HCL (aq)  CaCl2 (aq) + CO2 (g) + H20 (g)

Choice of method

In our experiment the chemicals we are using will give off a gas so we can

collect this in order to record our results.


I am going to vary the temperature of the solution each time.


I am going to keep the concentration, size of marble chips, amount of solution

and time left to react constant though out the whole experiment.

Scientific Knowledge

The concentration of a solution changes the results you will get. This is

because if the concentration is increased then there will be more reactant

particles present and thus create more collisions and therefore will create more

successful collisions. This will give you a faster reaction.

     If you decrease the concentration of a solution then the reaction will

become slower because there will be less particles to create successful


     The temperature also affects the reaction results. If it is raised then the

particles energy is increased which results in them moving around faster so they

will collide more often and will have more successful collisions and therefore

take a shorter amount of time.

     Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy particles must have to

collide in order for a reaction to take place. If they have less than this they

will bounce off each other and move on. When the temperature of a reaction

increases it gives particles the energy needed to reach activation energy which

results in more collisions. The higher the temperature the quicker it gets to

activation energy.

The diagram above shows

Surface area can also change results given. This is because if a solid is

present as one large piece only the surface can take part in the reaction. This

will slow the reaction down. However, if the divide the same solid into smaller

bits then it would have a larger surface area which would be available for the

reaction. This would result in more successful collisions at the surface and

give a faster reaction.


Based on my scientific knowledge mentioned earlier if we increase the

temperature each time in my experiment and keep everything else constant the

reaction should get quicker and quicker each time because there would be more

energy making the molecules move faster. This means there will be more

successful collisions and will lessen the time taken for the particles to react.

Preliminary work

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The preliminary work I have carried out has helped me decide on some factors I

will use in my experiment: A study to show which factors affect the rate of

reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid.

     The concentration I have decided to use is 1mol. This is because if I had

made the solution any more concentrated than this there would have not been

enough time to record results accurately. The amount of acid will be 50 (cm3).

     Also I have decided to use medium sized marble chips because the small ones

reacted to quickly so ...

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