The aim is to investigate how the length of a wire affects the resistance of a wire. The variables of the experiment will be the Length of wire.

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Deepak Tailor


Resistance of a wire Investigation


The aim is to investigate how the length of a wire affects the resistance of a wire. The variables of the experiment will be the Length of wire.


I predict that the longer the wire the higher the resistance. This is because the high number of free electrons which are colliding with other free electrons. Therefore, energy is lost due to these collisions. The energy is lost as heat. To calculate the amount of resistance for each length I used the formula: -

Restivity x Length of wire

Cross Sectional Area

To find out the restivity, I used this formula: -


1.7 x 0.00000001 = 0.000000017

P = 0.000000017

 I measured the length of the wire in the experiment as :-

L = 0.2 Metres, 0.4 Metres, 0.6 metres, 0.8 meters, 1.0 metres

To find out the cross-sectional area of the wire, I first calculated the thickness of the wire.  I know that the thickness of the wire is already 0.11 mm. This is the diameter of the wire. Therefore, half the diameter is 0.055 mm.


I then changed the units from Millimetres to Meters to get 0.0000055 m. The final step was to square it and times it by pie (PI) this is :-

0.00000552  x л  = 0.0000000095

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A = 0.0000000095

Finally, I put these figures in the equation to find out the amount of predicted resistance :-

0.000000017 x 0.2


= 0.35789476 is the predicted resistance for a wire 0.2 metre long

0.000000017 x 0.4


=0.715789473 is the predicted resistance for wire 0.4 metre long

0.000000017 x 0.6


= 0.956482392 is the predicted resistance for wire 0.6 metre long

0.000000017 x 0.8


= 1.269873157 is the predicted resistance for wire 0.8 metre long

0.000000017 x 0.8


= 1.659872345 is the predicted resistance ...

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