The aim is to see how the concentration of sodiumthiosulphate (Na2 S2 03) affects the rate of reaction with hydrochloric acid (hcl) once it is diluted with water.

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Rate of Reaction

Aim: The aim is to see how the concentration of sodiumthiosulphate (Na2 S2 03) affects the rate of reaction with hydrochloric acid (hcl) once it is diluted with water. Scientific Background: The reaction taking place in this experiment in a word and chemical equation is:

Sodium-ThioSulphate + Hydrochloric Acid - Sodium Chloride + Water + Sulphur + Sulphur dioxide

       Na2 S2 03          +         2HCL          -         2Na Cl       +   H20 +      S      +          S02

 For a reaction to occur not only must particles collide with one and other but they must have enough energy so that original bonds are broken and new bonds formed. The energy needed to break a mole of bonds is known as bond energy. If the collision has insufficient energy no reaction occurs. The more successful collisions, the faster the reaction. Successful collisions depend on particles moving faster to increase the chance of colliding. Increasing the temperature means particles take in more energy causing faster movement and therefore more collisions. Heated particles both collide more often and also these collisions will have more energy so will be more likely to be successful.   Conversely, reducing the temperature will decrease the amount of energy, slow down movement and decrease the number of collisions. Below is some diagrams, and some graphs to show the process of reaction.

 All reactions need energy to start them off. The activation energy is the minimum energy needed to break enough bonds to start a reaction. The energy in activation energy is portrayed in this graph. Next to this is the same graph but with the presence of a catalyst (a chemical substance that speeds up a reaction).

Hypothesis: From the information in the scientific background I can predict that when the higher volumes of water are being added to the solution the reaction will decrease in speed as there are less sodiumthiosulphate molecules to break the bonds of the hydrochloric acid molecules. So for example if there as only one ml water in the solution the reaction would subsequently be approximately double the speed of a solution with 12 ml amount of water. This is because half the collisions will occur in the reaction.


Surface area of solid – The surface area has an effect on the rate of reaction. If the solid has a large surface area then there are more opportunities for collisions to occur between the molecules. If the surface area is small, collision can only occur with the outer atoms and is therefore limited.

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The temperature of the reaction - When the temperature is low, the particles in the reaction do not have much energy so collision is unlikely to occur. However on heating, particles take in energy causing them to move faster and collide more often. Because the collisions have more energy they are more likely to be successful in breaking and reforming bonds. Therefore the rate of the reaction will increase. When the temperature increases by 10C, the rate of the reaction roughly doubles.

Concentration of the Hydrochloric Acid and Sodiumthiosulphate - The more concentrated the solvent, the more particles are present and ...

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