The aim of my investigation is to find out how the length of a wire affects its resistance, by carrying out an experiment.

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How the length of a wire affects its resistance.

By Maria Dela Cruz

By Maria De La Cruz


The aim of my investigation is to find out how the length of a wire affects its resistance, by carrying out an experiment.

Scientific Knowledge:

Current passes easily through a piece of copper connecting wires.  However, current does not pass as easily through a thin nichrome wire of an electric fire element.  Therefore, the nichrome wire has more resistance.  Energy that has been used up, force electrons through it, and when this happens, heat comes off as a result.

All conductors have some resistance, but:

  • Short wires have less resistance than long wires

  • Thick wires have less resistance than thin wire.

  • Copper wire has less resistance than nichrome wire that are the same size.

This is all because, as the electrons in an electric current move around a circuit, they bump into atoms and other electrons in the wires through which they pass.  Atoms of different elements hold up (impede) to electrons to different extents.  For example, electrons pass easily through copper wire, but much less easily through nichrome wires.  We say that copper has a lower resistance than nichrome.  This is why copper is used for the connecting wires and cables in electric circuits.  When an electric current passes through thin nichrome wire, the electrons can not flow easily.  They collide with atoms in the wire.  This causes the atoms to vibrate more quickly, causing the wire to warm up.  If the resistance of this which provide a high resistance are called resistors.  Resistance is anything which slows down the current.  When resistance increases, the current decreases.  

The effect of temperature:

If a metal is warmed up, its resistance goes up – although not usually very much.  A piece of nichrome’s resistance can increase by only about 1% for a 100 degrees Celsius rise in a temperature.  However, a very large temperature change has a noticeable effect on resistance.


Electric current flows most easily through substances called conductors.  The number of free electrons in a substance determines how well it conducts electricity.  Such metals as aluminium, copper, silver and gold are examples of good conductors.  This is because they have at least one free electron per atom.  Poor conductors tend to resist the flow of electricity compared to the good conductors.  Resistance changes energy into heat.

Why most metals are good conductors:

Everything is made up of atoms. These atoms contain electrons.  Insulators have electrons, which are held tightly to their atoms.  On the other hand, in metals, some are loosely held so therefore able to move about through the material.  This is the reason why most metals are called good “conductors”.

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Ohms law:

Current, Potential difference (voltage), and resistance are linked by a simple formula used to work out the resistance.

RESISTANCE  (in ohms) = VOLTAGE (in volts)

                                              CURRENT (in amps)


R (    ) =  V                


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