The aim of our investigations is to find out the ohmic limit so I can determine what current I should use in the actual experiment.

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Vivian Okrah

Candidate: 9428

Resistance of a wire

Preliminary Work


       The aim of our investigations is to find out the ohmic limit so I can determine what current I should use in the actual experiment.


      I will use three different currents which will be 0.2A, O.3A and 0.5A, then measure the voltage across the different lengths of wire they are 20cm, 40cm, 60cm, 80cm, and 100cm. This will be done for each current. We will have to vary the length of the wire so the results will be diverse and will also make it easier to produce a graph representing the results  we will use three different current to obtain a reliable ohmic limit. I will then record my results in tables and produce of graph that will show me the ohmic limit. The power pack will be placed on 2V, so the current will be kept at a constant rate.


      Firstly I will collect up equipment and set it up as shown in the diagram. I will then set the voltage on the power pack to 3v, and place a 10cm length of nichrome wire between the two distances.

      Following this I will use the voltmeter to read the voltage across this length then use the ammeter to read the current flowing through this length to check if it is correct.

      I will then record my results on a table and repeat these steps for the rest of the lengths, increasing the length 20cm every time.


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    Using the data I obtained from my experiment I was able to calculate the average resistance for each length, and then plot these averages on a line graph.

    From analysing my graph, I can see that there is a pattern. Some of the results I recorded from my experiment correspond with my one of my hypothesis, in the beginning of my coursework, which states that the resistance of the wire will increase as the length of the wire increases. But on the other hand it goes ...

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