The aim of this experiment is to adjust the height of the ramp and measure the motion.

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Gcse physics investigation


The aim of this experiment is to adjust the height of the ramp and measure the motion.




            Wooden blocks                 


  • Wooden blocks
  • Car
  • Ramp
  • Meter stick
  • Stop watch


Set up the ramp and wooden blocks at a certain height. At this height let the car roll down the two meters of the ramp measure the distance and record the time when it gets to the end. Alter the height and then repeat the same process again. Repeat the experiment three times.

I am intending to measure how long it takes for the car to travel down the ramp a distance of two meters. I am going to record a range of results as I am going to alter the height of the ramp five times at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45cm. I am going to do three repeats at each angle to get as accurate results as possible, also an anomalous result will be seen if it is done three times. I am also going to measure the mass of the car so I could use it to calculate kinetic energy.

After I have measured the distance and time from this I will calculate the speed at which the car was traveling. When I have found out the speed I will be able to use it to calculate various other things such as kinetic energy. I have drawn a table to show how I intend to record my results

Fair test

To make it a fair test only one variable must be altered at one time (the height in this case). To ensure good reliable results, the following factors must be kept the same:

The same car as different cars could affect the speed in one-way or the other. The mass could speed up the car or even slow it down, as there would be greater amount of potential energy pulling on the car.

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Friction of the ramp. The same ramp should be used throughout and also the same car as different cars will have different surface of wheels affecting the speed.

Another factor to make it a fair test could be air resistance but personally I cannot control this we just have to make sure the same car is used throughout.


The experiment is based on the potential energy at the top of the ramp being converted into kinetic energy at the bottom. I predict that the higher the ramp the faster the car will travel down it.

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