The aim of this experiment is to demonstrate the effects of pH on potato catalase. My substrate is hydrogen peroxide and the enzyme catalase will be from three types of potatoes.

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Kauthar Abdi          AS Biology Course Work


The aim of this experiment is to demonstrate the effects of pH on potato catalase. My substrate is hydrogen peroxide and the enzyme catalase will be from three types of potatoes.


Enzymes are an important part of all living organisms in that they regulate chemical reactions within the organism. Enzymes are biological catalyst made of globular protein that speed up a reaction by lowering the activation energy while at the same time they do not take part of it. Because of enzyme’s tertiary arrangement they are specific in the job they do and they can be altered by high temperatures, high pH and also by irreversible inhibitors. Enzyme denaturation is a result of the breaking of the hydrogen bonding, ionic bonding and/or the disulphide bonding which hold the enzyme molecule in its three dimensional shape. The shape that is altered is the active site which fits into a specific substrate. This is why the enzyme mechanism is known as the Lock and Key mechanism. The way a key is design to open a particular door so too is the design of the enzyme. The substrate fits into the active site to form an enzyme substrate complex. A product is then released.

The enzyme catalase is an enzyme that is present in the cells of plants, animals and aerobic (oxygen requiring) bacteria. It aids in the conversion of hydrogen peroxide       (a potent oxidizing agent with the ability to be harmful) into water and molecular oxygen. The cell organelle in which catalase is located in is called peroxisome. The peroxisomes in animal cells are concerned in the oxidation of fatty acids, and the synthesis cholesterol and bile acids. The by product of fatty acid oxidation is hydrogen peroxide. To kill bacteria white blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide. Catalase prevents the hydrogen peroxide from being harmful to the cell itself in the examples mentioned above. The peroxisomes in plants play an important role in both photorespiration and symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Again in these chemical reactions hydrogen peroxide is produced and catalase is required to prevent it from being harmful to the cells of the organism.

The catalase in this reaction will be obtained from the potato and it will be reacted with 20-volume hydrogen peroxide.

2H2O2   →  2H2O + O2

Volume & concentration of enzyme

The volume & concentration of the enzyme Potato Catalase was kept constant, by using the same type and age of potato and the same size of potato pieces (same surface area and volume ratio). This was done because the concern was not with the amount of products produced by the enzyme but rather the amount of products produced in different pH buffer solutions.

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The volume of buffer and the use of it

The pH buffer volumes were constant to the results obtained from the pilot test throughout the experiment. This helped in keeping the results as accurate as possible.


Temperature was kept constant throughout the entire experiment because as the temperature increases the kinetic energy increases causing the enzyme and the substrate to collide more often. This results in more enzyme-substrate complex to be formed therefore speeding up the reaction. If the temperature increases more the atoms vibrate and it causes the breakage of ...

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