The aim of this experiment is to determine the effects of varying temperatures on the enzyme Catalase. I will find out if and how temperature affects an enzyme's rate of reaction.

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The aim of this experiment is to determine the effects of varying temperatures on the enzyme Catalase. I will find out if and how temperature affects an enzyme’s rate of reaction.  The enzyme catalase will be from a potato.  Catalase is present in all organisms and its job is to break down Hydrogen Peroxide.  Hydrogen Peroxide is a form of bleach; we use it on our hair.  This is a harmful product of metabolism.  I will get this sample by boring a hole through a potato; I will have to make sure that each potato sample is the same mass or length.

Hydrogen Peroxide + Catalase ------> Water + Oxygen

There are many factors, which could affect the rate of an enzyme-controlled reaction.  These include: Temperature (my variable), pH, Volume of Hydrogen Peroxide, Volume of Catalase solution, Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide, Concentration of Catalase.  When carrying out the experiment I must make sure that I keep all of these factors constant (‘Control Variable’), apart from temperature, which is my ‘Independent Variable’.

pH is the level of acidity or alkalinity, pH affects enzymes because they are polar and the pH also has positive and negative charges, this works on the principal of “opposites attract”, thus unfavourable pH can contort the 3D shape of the enzyme therefore the substrate no longer fits the enzyme’s active site (the enzyme is denatured).  Temperature is the same only that the heat gives the substrate more kinetic energy, increasing the enzyme’s rate of reaction up to a point where the collisions between the enzyme and the substrate destroy the enzyme’s active site.  The optimum temperature is the highest temperature at which the enzyme can function without being denatured.

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The enzyme-controlled reaction I am investigating is how temperature affects an enzyme’s rate of reaction with the substrate.  The temperature will be the only independent variable in my experiment.  Everything else will stay constant.

I must try my hardest to keep all of the factors apart from temperature the same throughout the experiment.  I will carry out each recording of results twice and then I can get an average result, which should be correct.  If I do not keep the other factors the same then my results will not be accurate.

I predict that the breakdown of Hydrogen Peroxide ...

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