The aim of this experiment is to find out what effect altering the concentration of salt solution will have on osmosis in a potato chip.

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Biology Coursework – Plan – Osmosis in a Potato Chip


The aim of this experiment is to find out what effect altering the concentration of salt solution will have on osmosis in a potato chip.

Background Information:

Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules, down a water potential gradient, from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, through a partially or selectively permeable membrane.

The partially permeable membrane only allows the movement of small molecules or particles (often water) through it, but larger molecules such as glucose are not able to move across the membrane, as the molecules are too large. The particles will continue to diffuse until a state of equilibrium is reached. This means that the molecules or particles are evenly distributed through out both solutions and there is not a solution with a higher or lower concentration than the other.

Osmosis is usually associated with the movement of water particles in living cells. However, this can be simulated in visking tubing as well. When the vacuole in a plant cell takes in a high concentration of water molecules, it pushes the cytoplasm against the cell wall. As there is a lot of outward pressure, the cell is then able to keep its shape. The cell is then in a turgid state. The opposite of this is when there is low concentration of water molecules in the vacuole. The cell then is not full of water and collapses, which causes wilting. This is known as flaccidity.

However if the flaccidity becomes very bad and a lot of water diffuses out of the cell, the vacuole and cytoplasm continue to shrink. As the cell wall is too strong to shrink, eventually, as the cytoplasm continues to shrink, the cell membrane tears away from the cell wall. This is known as plasmolysis, and usually kills the cell.

Therefore, osmosis is very important to plant cells, as it allows them to take in water through their root hair cells, as there is normally a low concentration of water molecules in the soil. However in cases where the concentration of water in the soil is higher than the concentration in the root hair cell, active transport occurs. This is where the water is transported against the water potential gradient using energy.

A potato is good for this experiment because when water enters the cells, the concentration of water in the cell is higher than those cells surrounding it and the water diffuses into the neighbouring cells, this is then repeated until all the cells have a higher water concentration. If one cell swells up, so do all of the other cells, therefore the potato is a good object to use in this investigation.

Preliminary Experiment:

The apparatus that was used in the preliminary experiment was:

6 petri dishes – to separate the solutions          

A white tile – to cut the chips on safely without marking the desktop

Distilled water

Sodium chloride solutions

Potato chips

Razor blade – to cut the chips to size

Ruler – to measure the length of the chips

Marker pen – to label the solution strengths on the petri dishes

Firstly we 18 potato chips were cut to a length of 5 cm on the white tile, using a razor blade. Then 3 of these chips were put into the petri dishes, which were then labelled, depending on the strength of the solutions that we used, these were: 0.2M, 0.4M 0.6M, 0.8M and 1.0M sodium chloride solutions. The solutions were then put into the petri dishes and left for a day. The changes in length of the chips were recorded in a table.

After analysing the results I got in the preliminary experiment, the experiment was changed. Instead of measuring the length of the chips, we would measure the mass of the chips, as it would be more accurate, because the solutions changed the shape of the chip, when they became turgid or flaccid. Not all the chips increased in length, some increased in width and became irregular, therefore not giving an accurate result for the change of length.

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Pre cut potato chips will also be used, so that we don’t have to cut them to equal lengths, as it was difficult to get all of the chips exactly the same length. Each chip will be cut into 4 different parts because then I will have more results per chip and a more accurate average. Also, as the chips moved around when the solutions were poured in, and as the chips’ masses will not be the same, so the petri dishes will be labelled to show which chip is which.

The results table is maybe not as ...

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