The aim of this experiment is to find the concentration inside a potato chip. To find it, the potato and surrounding solution must reach equilibrium.

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The aim of this experiment is to find the concentration inside a potato chip. To find it, the potato and surrounding solution must reach equilibrium.


Some membranes in plant and animal cells allow certain particles to pass through them and not others. They are selectively permeable. The diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane is called osmosis. Osmosis is one of the most important processes that take place inside living organisms. The rate at which osmosis takes place is affected by the concentration of water in the two solutions on each side of the membrane. If a selectively permeable membrane separates the two solutions, water moves through it in both directions at the same time. However, more water leaves a dilute solution (high water concentration) and passes into a more concentrated solution (low water concentration) than enters it. Although the water appears to move across the membrane in one direction, it is in fact moving in both directions but more one way than the other. When the concentration of water is the same on both sides of the membrane, the movement of water will be the same in both directions. At this point, the net exchange of water is zero and the system is in equilibrium.

        This diagram shows a semi permeable membrane with pores that only let water molecules through because they are smaller. The water mainly diffuses from right to left on this diagram, from the weak solution to the strong sugar solution.

Salt molecule                                                         Water molecule


        Animals have kidneys to resolve our water troubles when we change our concentrations by sweating, breathing and drinking. It is of course, different in plants. Plants need water for photosynthesis and to keep them upright. A plant that loses too much water wilts. The reason for this is that plants are blown up with water in the vacuole. The vacuole has a fairly strong solution and water around the cell passes into the vacuole by osmosis, making it swell up. This makes the whole cell swell until it is full and because the cell walls are strong and will not burst, the whole cell becomes hard and rigid. A cell like this is called turgid. When the vacuole loses water it shrinks, pulling away the cytoplasm from the cell wall making it weak.

        I will use these theories to help me investigate the effect concentration has on a plant cell. I will carry out preliminary tests to give me a clearer idea of what I must do and what to expect for my final tests.

Preliminary tests


These are the preliminary test results. These help because they give me a clearer idea of what to expect during the final experiments and they tell me if I need to change anything, and I do. I will make my final results more accurate and I will take procedures to stop any other factors affecting the experiment.

The apparatus included 3 75ml beakers each with 3 chips in the same size, all from the same potato. Each potato chip was weighed with an electronic scale so that they were all the same mass to begin with. The beginning mass of the potato chips left in the salt solution for 60 minutes was 1 gram. Cling film was wrapped over the top of the beakers to stop any outside interference.

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These results aren’t very accurate because they show that the biggest decrease was in the 1.5 molar solution where there is less salt than the 2M but more than the 1M solution. So there should have been a smaller decrease with the 1M solution because there is a higher water concentration and osmosis goes from a high water concentration to a lower concentration (the potato chip), but a bigger decrease with the 2M solution. There wasn’t so it must mean that my results were inaccurate. From these results one can see that the concentration of the potato lies somewhere between ...

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