The aim of this investigation is to investigate the rate of reaction of magnesium (mg) with Hydrochloric acid (HCl). After studying the availability of equipment I have chosen to investigate how the temperature can affect the rate of reaction.

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The aim of this investigation is to investigate the rate of reaction of magnesium (mg) with Hydrochloric acid (HCl). After studying the availability of equipment I have chosen to investigate how the temperature can affect the rate of reaction.

Within this coursework, I am going to investigate how the concentration of hydrochloric acid effects the rate of reaction with magnesium, i.e. how quickly/how much hydrogen is produced.


Magnesium and dilute hydrochloric acid react together according to the equation below:

magnesium + hydrochloric acid magnesium chloride + hydrogen

The hydrogen produced makes the reaction mixture effervesce (fizz).

The faster the reaction, the shorter the time taken for the effervescence to stop.

You will study the effect of changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid on the rate of reaction.


I predict that as the temperature increases, the speed of the reaction will increase therefore the gas will be produced faster. I believe this because most chemical reactions happen faster when the temperature is higher. At higher temperatures molecules mover around faster, which makes it easier for them to react together. Usually, a rise of 10OC will double the rate of reaction. Chemical reactions take place by chance. Particles need to collide with enough velocity so that they react. As the temperature is increased the particles move faster since they have more energy. This means that they are colliding more often and more of the collisions have enough velocity to cause a reaction. Since there are more collisions the chemical reaction takes place faster. To help me gain better knowledge about the investigation I have found out some scientific information relating to the experiment of ‘rates and reaction’. According to my research on the Internet if temperature is increased the rate of reaction also increases  - this is due to the chemical particles receiving kinetic energy. If more kinetic energy is present in the particles, the particles move faster, this also means the particles will be colliding with each other often.

If I double the concentration of the acid from 1M hydrochloric acid to 2M hydrochloric acid then I will expect to see the rate of the reaction double. This is because there are twice as many acid particles in 2M hydrochloric acid than in 1M hydrochloric acid, so there will be twice the amount of collisions per second and because there are twice the amount of collisions per second then there will be twice as many successful collisions per second, increasing the rate of reaction.

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I am going to investigate how temperature affects the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid. The procedure for the experiment is as follows;

* Using a measuring cylinder, measure 10cm3 of water and pour it into the side arm tube.
* Measure 10cm3 of hydrochloric acid (1 mol/ dm3) and add it to the water.
* Place the side arm tube in a water bath at 20OC, set up the apparatus below.
* Measure 10.9 cm of magnesium ribbon and check on the balance that it weighs 0.1g.
* Coil the ribbon around a pencil and then ...

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This is a confusing and unstructured report. The basic elements are there but it lacks the structure to bring it together properly. There are specific strengths and improvements suggested throughout.